Page 28 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 28


          Method Detection Limit
          A Method Detection Limit (MDL) study was conducted by   Table 5 lists the average calculated sample concentration
          spiking standards at 4 ppt. The Method Detection Limit   as well as the Accuracy, %RSD, and the Method Detection
          was calculated as described in 40 CFR Part 136 Appendix   Limit.
          B. The MDL for all targets listed in EPA Method 537.1
          ranged from 0.48 ppt to 1.64 ppt. All compounds showed
          %RSD of less than 20% with 8 injections.

           Table 5: Method Detection Limit (MDL) results
                                  Spiked          Calculated                          %RSD              MDL
               Compound                                             Accuracy
                             Concentration (ppt)  Concentration (ppt)                 (n=8)             (ppt)
                  PFBS              4               3.84              96.0             4.4              0.484
                 PFHxA              4               3.70              92.5             7.3              0.787
                HFPO-DA             4               3.55              88.8             8.6              0.881
                 PFHpA              4               3.87              96.8             6.2              0.693
                 PFHxS              4               3.74              93.5             5.7              0.615
                 ADONA              4               3.72              93.0             5.4              0.585
                 PFOA               4               3.71              92.8             5.5              0.595
                 PFNA               4               3.79              94.8             5.2              0.566
                  PFOS              4               3.76              94.0             11.1             1.213
               9Cl-PF3ONS           4               3.63              90.8             7.9              0.825
                 PFDA               4               3.67              91.8             5.7              0.602
               N-MeFOSAA            4               3.55              88.8             15.9             1.637
               N-EtFOSAA            4               3.81              95.3             7.3              0.808
                 PFUnA              4               3.56              89.0             10.2             1.052
              11Cl-PF3OUdS          4               3.41              85.2             12.7             1.255
                 PFDoA              4               3.73              93.3             5.4              0.584
                 PFTriA             4               3.74              93.5             5.7              0.618
                 PFTreA             4               3.67              91.8             5.7              0.601
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