Page 27 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
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          ■ Results and Discussion
          Calibration Data                                        The initial calibration curve was used to quantitate the
          A series of 10 calibration levels ranging from 1.25 ppb to   subsequent injections. Table 4 lists representative
          100 ppb with an injection volume of 5 uL was used in this   concentrations and percent recovery for all targets in EPA
          study. These concentrations were used to reflect the 250-  Method 537.1.
          fold sample concentration required in EPA Method 537.1
          (250 ml of sample are extracted and concentrated down to
          1 mL for injection in the LC/MS/MS).

          Table 2: LC System and Parameters                       Table 3: LCMS Acquisition Parameters
           LC System      Nexera-X2 UHPLC System                   MS Instrument  LCMS-8045
                          Shim-pack™ Velox,                        Interface      Electrospray Ionization (ESI)
           Column         2.1mm ID × 150mm, 2.7 μm,                Interface Temp.  100  C
                          Part No. 227-32009-04                    Desolvation Line
                          Shim-pack XR-ODS                                        100  C
           Solvent Delay   50mm x 2mm x 2.2µm,                     Temp.
           Column                                                  Heat Block        o
                          Part No. 228-41605-93                    Temp.          200  C
           Column Temp.   40  C                                    Heating Gas
           Injection Volume   5 µL                                 Flow           15 L/min
                          A: 20 mM Ammonium Acetate
           Mobile Phase                                            Drying Gas Flow  5 L/min
                          B: Methanol
           Flow Rate      0.25 mL/min                              Nebulizing Gas   3 L/min
           Run Time       35 minutes                               Flow
                                                                   Total MRMs     48

          Table 4: Calculated concentrations for the low, mid, and high level
          standards for all targets in EPA Method 537.1

                                                Low (80 ppt)           Mid (200 ppt)         High (400 ppt)
                       Retention    2
            Compound                R
                                          Concentration  %Recovery  Concentration  %Recovery  Concentration  %Recovery
               PFBS      7.883   0.99328      86.8       108         217        108         384         96
              PFHxA      8.462   0.99632      84.0       105         210        105         379        94.7
             HFPO-DA     8.704   0.99727      85.2       107         210        105         380        94.9
              PFHpA      9.451   0.99459      88.8       111         212        106         368        92.1
              PFHxS      9.487   0.99419      84.8       106         212        106         369        92.2
              ADONA      9.593   0.99770      84.4       106         211        106         383        95.8
              PFOA       10.885  0.99611      84.4       106         213        106         374        93.6
              PFNA       12.678  0.99633      86.0       108         210        105         375        93.7
              PFOS       12.681  0.99568      87.2       109         212        106         378        94.4
            9Cl-PF3ONS   13.743  0.99833      83.6       105         210        105         386        96.5
              PFDA       14.678  0.99718      85.2       107         212        106         381        95.3
            N-MeFOSAA    15.610  0.99724      82.8       104         214        107         382        95.4
            N-EtFOSAA    16.618  0.99557      85.6       107         212        106         376        93.9
              PFUnA      16.677  0.99736      81.6       102         212        106         382        95.4
           11Cl-PF3OUdS  17.635  0.99810      82.0       102         212        106         388        96.9
              PFDoA      18.590  0.99653      83.6       105         214        107         376        94.1
              PFTriA     20.309  0.99644      85.2       107         211        106         376        94.0
              PFTreA     21.835  0.99753      85.2       107         210        105         382        95.4
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