Page 33 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 33

No. SSI-LCMS-106

               Table 1: Target analytes, surrogates, acronyms and CAS # included in this method

                 Analyte                                            Acronym      CAS #       Surrogates
                                                         Sulfonic acids
                 Perfluorobutyl sulfonic acid                       PFBS         29420-49-3   13C3-PFBS
                 Perfluorohexyl sulfonic acid                       PFHxS        3871-99-6   13C3-PFxS
                 Perfluorooctyl sulfonic acid                       PFOS         1763-23-1   13C8-PFOS
                 1H,1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorohexane sulfonic acid        4:2 FTS      757124-72-4   13C2-4:2 FTS

                 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorooctane sulfonic acid       6:2 FTS      27619-97-2   13C2-6:2 FTS
                 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorodecane sulfonic acid       8:2 FTS      39108-34-4   13C2-8:2 FTS
                 Perfluoro-1-pentanesulfonic acid                   L-PFPeS      706-91-4    -
                 Perfluoro-1-heptanesulfonic acid                   L-PFHpS      375-92-8    -
                 Perfluoro-1-nonanesulfonic acid                    L-PFNS       68259-12-1   -
                 Perfluoro-1-decanesulfonic acid                    L-PFDS       2806-15-7   -
                                                        Carboxylic acids
                 Perfluorobutanoic acid                             PFBA         375-22-4    13C4-PFBA
                 Perfluoropentanoic acid                            PFPeA        2706-90-3   13C5-PFPeA
                 Perfluorohexanoic acid                             PFHxA        307-24-4    13C5-PFHxA
                 Perfluoroheptanoic acid                            PFHpA        375-85-9    13C4-PFHpA
                 Perfluorooctanoic acid                             PFOA         335-67-1    13C8-PFOA
                 Perfluorononanoic acid                             PFNA         375-95-1    13C9-PFNA
                 Perfluorodecanoic acid                             PFDA         335-76-2    13C6-PFDA
                 Perfluoroundecanoic acid                           PFUnA        2058-94-8   13C7-PFUnA
                 Perfluorododecanoic acid                           PFDoA        307-55-1    13C2-PFDoA
                 Perfluorotridecanoic acid                          PFTriA       72629-94-8   -
                 Perfluorotetradecanoic acid                        PFTreA       376-06-7    13C2-PFTreA
                                              Sulfonamides and sulfonamidoacetic acids
                 N-ethylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamidoacetic acid    N-EtFOSAA    2991-50-6   D3-N-EtFOSAA
                 N-methylperfluoro-1-octanesulfonamidoacetic acid    N-MeFOSAA   2355-31-9   D3-N-MeFOSAA
                 Perfluoro-1-octanesulfonamide                      FOSA         754-91-6    13C8-PFOSA

               ■ Method
               This application news describes and demonstrates   Mobile Phase A consisted of 20 mM Ammonium
               the use and performance of the Shimadzu LCMS-      acetate in 95:5 H2O: ACN. Mobile Phase B consisted
               8050 for the analysis of 43 PFAS, 24 targets and 19   of 10 mM ammonium acetate in 95:5 ACN: H2O. A
               surrogates, in reagent, ground, surface and        30 μL injection volume was used for all calibration
               wastewater matrices as outlined in draft EPA M8327   levels. A 0.3 mL/min flow rate was used.
               (as of September 2019). EPA provided a set of      Chromatography was adjusted to obtain maximum
               supplies including 15 mL polypropylene (PP) tubes,   resolution between peaks in the shortest time
               analytical column, delay column, PFAS precision and   possible with minimum co-elution of isomers. Overall
               recovery standard (Wellington), labeled PFAS       runtime for each injection was 21 minutes, including
               extraction standard (Wellington), certified amber   re-equilibration for both the delay and the analytical
               glass 2 ml vials, PP septumless caps for 2 ml vials,   column. The total run time of 21 minutes includes a
               GXF/GHP syringe filters membrane 0.2 um filters and   final wash out with concentrated acetonitrile to flush
               10 ml metal luer-lock all glass syringe.           the column, remove background residuals
                                                                  contaminants and restore column performance
               An equivalent to Shimadzu Shim-pack GIST Phenyl-   before starting the next run. The method could easily
               Hexyl, 2.1×100 mm and 3.0 µm particle size         be modified to include isotopic dilution or internal
               analytical column was used to conduct the analysis   calibration if needed for quantifying the
               for all PFAS compounds (Shimadzu part no. 227-     concentrations.
               30713-03) along with a Shimadzu Shim-pack XR-
               ODS 50mm x 3.0mm x 2.2 µm as delay column          The LC/MS/MS analysis was performed using a
               (Shimadzu part no 228-41606-92). Multiple Reaction   Shimadzu Nexera UHPLC system coupled with LCMS-
               Monitoring (MRM) transitions were optimized using   8050 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. An
               Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) for all compounds.   injection volume of 30 µL was used in this study.  A
                                                                  detailed description of the LC/MS/MS parameters is
                                                                  included in Table 2.
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