Page 34 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 34

No. SSI-LCMS-106

               Table 2: Chromatography and mass spectrometer conditions

                Parameter               Value
                LCMS                    Shimadzu LCMS-8050
                Analytical Column       Shim-pack GIST Phenyl-Hexyl (2.1 mm ID. x 100 mm L., 3 μm)
                                        Part No 227-30713-03
                Solvent Delay Column    Shim-pack XR-ODS (3 mm ID. x 50 mm L., 2.2 μm)
                                        Part No. 228-41606-92
                Column Oven Temperature   40 º
                Injection Volume        30 µL
                Mobile Phase            A: 20 mmol Ammonium Acetate in 5 % (v/v) Acetonitrile in reagent water
                                        B: 10 mmol Ammonium Acetate in 95 % (v/v) Acetonitrile in reagent water
                Gradient Flow rate      0.3 mL/ Min
                Gradient                Time (minutes)     % B
                                        0                  0
                                        1                  20
                                        6                  50
                                        14                 100
                                        17                 100
                                        18                 0
                                        21                 0
                Run time                21 minutes
                Nebulizing gas flow     5 L/min
                Heating gas flow        15 L /Min
                Interface temperature   300 °C
                Desolvation Line temperature   100 °C
                Heat Block temperature   200 °C
                Drying gas flow         5 L /min
                Acquisition cycle time   21 min
                Total MRMs              66

               Fluorotelomer acids, observed as [M-H] and [M-HF-  All compound parameters, including precursor ion,
               H] can result in an ion with the same m/z as the   product ion, and collision energies were optimized
                                                                  using FIA, bypassing the analytical column using Lab
               unsaturated fluorotelomer acid. Even under         Solutions software. There are at least two MRM
               optimized chromatography, these compounds have     transitions for most of the analytes that are listed in
               near identical retention times. The lower ESI heater   Table 3.
               temperature reduces HF loss and minimizes false
               identification of fluorotelomer acids. Temperature
               conditions may vary depending on the type of
               applications performed .
               Table 3: MRM transitions, retention times and collision energies

               Component                      Retention Time (minutes)   Transition (m/z)   Collision energy (V)
               PFBA                           3.341                  213 > 169            9
               MPFBA                          3.341                  217 > 172            9
               PFPeA                          3.941                  263 > 219            8
               M5PFPeA                        3.940                  268 > 223            8
               4-2 FTS                        4.444                  327 > 307            18
                                                                     327 >81              35
               M4-2 FTS                       4.442                  329 > 309            20
               PFHxA                          4.683                  313 > 269            9
                                                                     313 >119             21
               M5PFHxA                        4.680                  318 > 273            11
               PFBS                           4.709                  299 > 80             30
                                                                     299 >99              28
               M3PFBS                         4.813                  302 > 80             34
               PFHpA                          5.401                  363 > 319            9
                                                                     363 >169             16
               M4PFHpA                        5.400                  367 > 322            10
               PFPeS                          5.606                  349 > 80             42
                                                                     349 >99              30
   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39