Page 15 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 15


            Application                  Water Analysis / LCMS

            News                         Analysis of PFAS Specified in EPA Method 537 and

                                         Beyond using Shimadzu UFMS™

             No. C184                    Brahm Prakash , Gerard Byrne , Tairo Ogura , Cindy Lee , Masaki Yamada 3
                                          Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, USA., Marketing Innovation Centre, Singapore,
                                          Global Application Development Center, Japan.
              Abstract                                         coatings because of their heat-resistant, and oil- and
                                                                water-repellent properties. These properties result in
          This   application  news  demonstrates  the  use,     resistance to degradation, hence, PFAS accumulate in
          performance and compatibility of Shimadzu Ultra-fast  the environment. Moreover, PFAS are capable of long-
          Mass Spectrometry (UFMS™) for EPA Method 537          range transport and can potentially affect human health
          with an expanded compound panel of seven additional   (e.g. developmental and reproductive effects).
          PFAS. A total of 27 PFAS compounds were extracted,
          separated and detected with triple quadrupole mass    Over the past several years, the issue of PFAS
          spectrometers,   LCMS-8045     and    LCMS-8050.      contamination in drinking water has become a global
          Recoveries of 86–106% (LCMS-8050) and 77–104%         concern. To safeguard public health and minimize
          (LCMS-8045) were well within the limits outlined in   human exposure to these chemicals, the US, EU and
          EPA 537. Method detection limits of 0.7–1.7 ng/L (ppt)  Australia have issued health advisory guidelines for
          (LCMS-8050) and 0.7–3.3 ng/L (LCMS-8045) were         perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane-
          obtained and both systems fulfilled all of the EPA’s  sulfonic acid (PFOS) in drinking water (e.g. US: 70 ppt
          requirements for PFAS analysis in drinking water.     for combined PFOS and PFOA). Furthermore, some
                                                                states in the US (e.g. California, Minnesota, Colorado,
          Keywords: Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances,  Michigan and New Jersey) have established similar or
          PFAS, Perfluorinated Compounds, PFCs, Drinking        even stricter limits for PFAS and these can go as low
          Water, PFOA, PFOS, Persistent Organic Pollutants,     as 13 ppt and 14 ppt for PFOS and PFOA respectively.
                                                                US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has
              Introduction                                     established Method 537 for PFAS in drinking water. It
                                                                utilizes a solid phase extraction (SPE) followed by
          Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS) are  liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-
          a group of anthropogenic chemicals widely used as fire  MS/MS) for the determination of 14 perfluorinated alkyl
          retardants, food packaging materials, and non-stick   acids in drinking water. Besides the analysis of these

           Figure 1. MRM (pink and blue) and TIC (black) chromatograms of all PFAS in a mixed standard solution with each PFAS
                                                   at 20 ng/mL (LCMS-8050)
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