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3. Nexera UC                                         SFC-UV System

            The Nexera UC platform can accommodate a wide variety of analyses
            and pretreatments and includes an (1) SFC system, (2) online SFE-SFC
            system,  and  (3)  of’ine  SFE  system.  A  major  difference  between  a
            Nexera UC system and a conventional HPLC system is the addition of
            a back pressure regulator to prevent mobile phase vaporization inside   SFC-MS System
            the  column  and  the  pump  that  delivers  the  carbon  dioxide.  The
            Nexera UC platform is based around the Nexera ultra high-perfor-
            mance liquid chromatograph, with each Nexera UC system conÿg-
            ured by adding a newly developed carbon dioxide delivery unit (LC-
            30ADSF),  a  back  pressure  regulator  unit  that  allows  high-precision
            pressure control (SFC-30A), and an extraction unit used for SFE (SFE-   Fig. 3  Nexera UC Systems
            30A) (Fig. 3). The autosamplers and other units designed for liquid
            chromatography can be used in the Nexera UC system.  By  using  the  same  column  packing  material  for  separation  in  the
            (1) SFC system                                       Nexera UC systems as that used in normal phase HPLC analysis (e.g.,
                                                                 silica gel), normal phase HPLC analyses can be easily transferred to
              SFC systems include an SFC-UV system that uses a UV (or PDA) de-
              tector,  a  UFMS  system  (SFC-MS)  that  uses  a  mass  spectrometer  SFC analyses while improving the resolution and increasing the analy-
              (MS) that is suitable for high-speed analyses by SFC, and a chiral  sis speed, as shown in Fig. 5. Transferring analyses from normal phase
              screening system that automatically switches between multiple col-  HPLC to SFC can also substantially reduce the volume of organic sol-
              umns and modiÿers to examine the analytical conditions.  vents consumed per analysis, as shown in Fig. 6, which also reduces
                                                                 analysis costs. SFC is an environment- and user-friendly technique as
            (2) Online SFE-SFC system                            it reduces consumption of toxic organic solvents.
              Online SFE-SFC systems combine SFE and SFC online to automati-
              cally perform all steps from target compounds extraction from solid
              samples to analysis.                                 Hexane/Isopropanol
                                                                         = 99:1
                                                                    (normal phase LC)
            (3) SFE pretreatment system                                                       12.00 mL
              Of’ine  SFE pretreatment systems are speciÿcally  designed to ex-  Methanol  0.70 mL 94.2% reduction
              tract target compounds from solid samples.               (Nexera UC)
            The  characteristic  properties  of  the  supercritical  ’uid  used  in  the   Fig. 6  Comparison between HPLC and SFC of Organic Solvent Consumption
            Nexera UC SFC systems, which include high diffusivity and low viscos-
            ity, allow for low column pressures even at high ’ow  rates, enabling   When using a mass spectrometer for SFC, equipment used for LC/MS
            high-speed analyses while maintaining column efÿciency. Because of   can be used as is. In SFC, a make-up solution is added after column
            these factors, the Nexera UC SFC systems can shorten analysis times   separation  to  promote  ionization.  Conventional  SFC  systems  used
            to between one third and one ÿfth  of the time required for HPLC   pressure regulators that had a large internal volume. This required the
            analysis using the same size column. (Fig. 5).       £ow path of the column eluate to be split before entering the mass
                                                                 spectrometer to suppress the effect of extra-column dispersion (Fig.
                 CO2 pump                          Back pressure  7(a)). The Nexera UC systems use a proprietary low-internal volume
                                           UV-VIS detector  regulator
                            Autosample r  C  olumn oven          design for their back pressure regulator (patent pending). This allows
               Liquid CO2                                        the £ow path to enter the back pressure regulator and mass spec-
                                                                 trometer in series, so all the column eluate enters the mass spectrom-
                                 Analytical column               eter  (Fig.  7(b)).  Increasing  the  volume  of  eluate  introduced  to  the
                      Solvent delivery pump
                                                                 mass spectrometer in this way enables higher sensitivity analysis, and
                Modiÿer                                          precludes the effects of split ratio variation, etc., resulting in highly re-
                           Fig. 4  SFC Flow Diagram
                                                                 producible SFC/MS analysis (Fig. 8, Table 2).
                     1. α-Tocopherol  2  3                       (a)                Column oven  Back pressure regulator
                     2. β-Tocopherol  1       4                  Conventional
                     3. γ-Tocopherol
                     4. δ-Tocopherol   Rs = 1.328                SFC/MS  ow path
                           Rs = 1.703
                                      1  2  3  4                              Make-up
                                                                              solution  Make-up pump
                                                                                         Mass spectrometer
                    0    2    4   6    8    10  12 min
            SFC conditions           Normal phase HPLC conditions  (b)
            Column   :  Shim-pack UC-SIL  Column   :  Shim-pack HRC-SIL  Nexera UC
                      (4.6 mm I.D. × 250 mm L. 5 µm)        (4.6 mm I.D. × 250 mm L. 5 µm)  SFC/MS  ow path
            Modiÿer   :    MeOH      Mobile phase : HEX/IPA 99/1 (V/V)              Column oven
            Modiÿer conc. :  5 %     Flow rate   :  1 mL/min
            Flow rate   :  3.5 mL/min  Temperature : 40°C                                    Back pressure
            Temperature : 40°C       Detection   :  UV 290 nm                                 regulator  Mass spectrometer
            Detection   :  UV 290 nm                                          Make-up  Make-up pump
            Back pressure : 10 MPa                                            solution
                      Fig. 5  Comparison between HPLC and SFC                   Fig. 7  SFC-MS Flow Path
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