Page 52 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
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                     3.0                    Reserpine
                                             10 µg/L
                                             5 µg/L
                                            0.5 µg/L                                             ŶPeaks
                     2.0                                                                         1. Phosphatidyl Choline
                                                                             1                   2. Lyso Phosphatidyl Choline
                                                                                   2             3. Phosphatidyl Ethanolamine
                     1.0                                                                         4. Lyso Phosphatidyl Ethanolamine
                            No splitting                                      3                  5. Phosphatidyl Glycerol
                                                                                   4             6. Phosphatidyl Inositol
                         Flow path split                                      5
                       (Split ratio, Vent:MS = 4:1)
                      0. 0  0  .5  1. 0  1  .5  min
                                                                      0   2. 5  5  .0  7.5  10.0  1  2.5  min
                    Column   : Shim-pack UC-Diol 4.6 mm I.D. × 150 mm L.
                    Modiÿer   : MeOH                                  Column   : Shim-pack UC-Diol 4.6 mm I.D. × 150 mm L. 5 µm
                    Modiÿer conc.  : 30 %                             Modiÿer   : MeOH with 0.1 % w/v ammonium formate
                    Flow rate   : 3.0 mL/min                          Modiÿer conc.   : 10 % (0 min) ĺ 40 % (10–15 min)
                    Temperature   : 40°C                              Flow rate   : 3.0 mL/min
                    Back pressure   : 10 MPa                          Temperature   : 40°C
                    Injection volume : 1 µL                           Make-up solution  : MeOH with 0.1 % w/v ammonium formate
                    Sample   : Reserpine (0.5, 5, 10 °g/L)            Make-up °ow rate  : 0.1 mL/min
                    Detection   : TQ mass spectrometer ESI(+) m/z 609.3 > 195.0  Back pressure   : 10 MPa
                                                                      Detection   : TQ mass spectrometer (ESI)
                  Fig. 8  Sensitivity With and Without Flow Path Splitting
                                                                               Fig. 9  Phospholipid Analysis
              Table 2  MS Reproducibility With and Without Flow Path Splitting
                                                                 Fig. 10 shows an example analysis of pesticides of a wide range of po-
                      Injection  Retention time  Area  Height
                       volume                                    larities—from  hydrophobic  to  hydrophilic—using  the  Shim-pack
                        (µL)  Ave.  %RSD  Ave.  %RSD  Ave.  %RSD  UCX-RP column. The Shim-pack UCX-RP column is unique in having
                        0.1  0.359  0.64  6,583  18.83  2,361  17.29
                                                                 a  stationary  phase  that  combines  octadecyl  and  polar  functional
             Flow path split  1  0.356  0.25  81,467  4.26  26,656  3.88  groups. This stationary phase is able to retain a wide range of com-
                        2    0.355  0.32  156,831  2.18  49,721  3.28  pounds,  including  both  hydrophobic  and  hydrophilic  compounds.
                        0.1  0.356  0.09  16,264  6.18  7,673  6.17  This column allows the simultaneous analysis of pesticides that were
              No splitting  1  0.353  0.05  155,170  2.43  71,971  2.23  previously difÿcult to analyze without changing the analytical condi-
                        2    0.35  0.07  325,739  1.16  142,350  1.19  tions, thereby providing improved analytical efÿciency.
              Column   : Shim-pack UC-Diol 4.6 mm I.D. × 150 mm L. 5 µm
              Modiÿer   : MeOH with 0.1 % w/v ammonium formate                    1
              Modiÿer conc.  : 30 %                                              3    2   4
              Flow rate   : 2.0 mL/min
              Temperature   : 40°C                                                        5
              Back pressure   : 10 MPa                                   Hydrophobic       6
              Injection volume : 1 µL                                              7
              Detection   : TQ mass spectrometer ESI(−) m/z 351.20 > 271.20 (prostaglandin 100 µg/L)  8
                                                                                        9         10
            4. Shim-pack UCX Series Columns for SFC                                          11
            Because of the high diffusivity of the mobile phase used in SFC, the   Hydrophilic  13
            separation behavior substantially changes based on the column sta-
            tionary phase and modiÿers used. The Shim-pack UCX series columns
            are  designed  for  SFC  and  encompass  eight  different  stationary   0. 0  5  .0  10.0  min
            phases, as shown in Table 3. This allows the columns to accommo-
            date the separation of a wide variety of compounds.       No.            Compound           log P
                                                                       1             Carbofuran          7.4
                       Table 3  Shim-pack UCX Series Columns           2             Ethofenprox         6.9
                             Functional group  Pore  Surface  Carbon   3             Fenpropathrin       6.0
                                            size  area  content
             Shim-pack UC-RP  Octadecyl group + polar functional group  —  9%  4     Pyriproxyfen        5.0
             Shim-pack UC-GIS II  Octadecyl group      11%             5             Pyraclostrobin      4.0
             Shim-pack UC-Diol  Diol group             20%             6              Linuron            3.0
             Shim-pack UC-Sil     —                     —              7             Aminocarb           1.9
                                            10 nm
             Shim-pack UC-Amide  Carbamoyl group  450 m 2 /g  18%      8            Ethoxysulfuron       1.0
             Shim-pack UC-NH2  Aminopropyl group       8%              9           Halosulfuron methyl   0.0
             Shim-pack UC-Phenyl  Phenethyl group      9.5%           10             Bentazone          −0.5
             Shim-pack UC-CN  Cyanopropyl group        14%            11             Chlorsulfuron      −1.0
                                                                      12             Rimsulfuron        −1.5
            Fig. 9 shows an example analysis of phospholipids using the Shim-pack                       −1.8
            UCX-Diol column. This column allows separation of phospholipids by   13  Nicosulfuron
            class, as with normal phase LC. Phospholipids can also be separated   14  Vamidothion       −4.2
            by molecular species using the same modiÿer conditions paired with   Column   : Shim-pack UC-RP 4.6 mm I.D. × 150 mm L. 5 µm
                                                                           : MeOH with 0.1 % w/v ammonium formate
            a different column, such as the Shim-pack UCX-GIS II, which has an   Modiÿer conc.   : 0 % (0 min) ĺ 10 % (11 min) ĺ 30 % (14 min) ĺ 40 % (14.01–17 min)
            octadecyl group stationary phase. Using different stationary phases   Flow rate   : 3.0 mL/min
                                                                           : 40°C
            but the same mobile phase, SFC can be used to recreate the retention   Make-up solution  : MeOH with 0.1 % w/v ammonium formate
            behaviors observed with normal phase and reverse phase HPLC, pro-  Make-up °ow rate  : 0.1 mL/min
                                                                           : 15 MPa
                                                                  Back pressure
            viding a variety of other separation behaviors. This is of substantial   Detection   : TQ mass spectrometer (ESI)
            beneÿt for the analysis of complex samples.                         Fig. 10  Pesticide Analysis
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