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            Report                       Supercritical Fluid Chromatography

                                         Hidetoshi Terada , Takato Uchikata , Takanari Hattori , Keiko Matsumoto , Yoshiyuki Watabe ,
                                         Tadayuki Yamaguchi , Yasuhiro Funada 1
            Advances in column technology have led to a renewed interest in supercritical ˜uid  chromatography, which uses a supercritical ˜ uid as its
            mobile  phase.  Compared  to  liquid,  supercritical  ˜uids  have  low  viscosities  and  high  diffusivities.  In  this  report,  starting  from  the  basic
            principles of supercritical ˜uid chr omatography, we introduce examples of high-speed, high-resolution analysis and chiral separation.

            Keywords: supercritical  uid chromatography, SFC

            1. Supercritical Fluid
            1.  Super  critical Fluid                                25
            A supercritical fluid is a state of substance wherein the temperature
            and pressure are both above its critical point (Fig. 1). Supercritical
            fluids can dissolve substances better than gases and are more diffu-
            sive and have lower viscosities than liquids (Table 1). Although various   Critical pressure (MPa) 20
            substances have particular critical points, the especially low critical
            point  of  carbon  dioxide  (critical  temperature:  31.1°C,  critical  pres-  10  Carbon dioxide  Methanol
            sure: 7.38 MPa) makes it easy to handle. As it is non-flammable, inert,   Ethylene
            low-cost, and non-toxic, it has been widely used in industrial process-  5  Propylene  Ethanol
            es, such as for decaffeination of coffee beans and extraction of hops   Methane  Ethane  Propane  Acetone
            extract  and  flavor  compounds  (Fig.  2).  Supercritical  fluids  are  also
            used in analytical fields, including as the main mobile phase in super-  −100  0  100  200  300  400
            critical fluid chromatography (SFC) and the main extracting solvent in   Critical temperature (°C)
            supercritical fluid extraction (SFE).                         Fig. 2  Critical Points of Various Substances

                                                                 2. Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
                         Solid      Liquid     ˜uid
                                                                 SFC is a separation technique that uses a supercritical ˜uid  as its main
             Critical pressure                                   mobile phase (often supercritical carbon dioxide). Because of the prop-
               7.38 MPa                     Critical point       erties of supercritical ˜uids,  which include low viscosities and high dif-
                                                                 fusivities, SFC can be performed at a lower column back pressure than
                                    Gas                          conventional high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Addi-
                                                                 tionally, a high-speed analysis can be performed at high ˜ow  rates and
                                      Critical temperature       a high-resolution analysis can be performed by using a longer column.
                                         31.1°C                  Also, recent advances in SFC systems and in the packed columns made
                      Fig. 1  Phase Diagram for Carbon Dioxide   for SFC allow analyses to be performed with HPLC-like operation.
                                                                 Although supercritical carbon dioxide has a similar hydrophobicity as
                                                                 hexane,  this  property  alone  is  often  insufÿcient  for  the  elution  of
                       Table 1  Properties of Supercritical Fluids
                                                                 target compounds from a column. These target compounds can be
                         Diffusion coef cient  Density  Viscosity  eluted by adding an organic solvent, called a modiÿer, to modify the
                             (cm /s)     (g/cm ) 3  (g/cm • s)
                                                                 polarity of the mobile phase. Organic solvents that are compatible
                Liquid        10 −6        1         10 −2       with carbon dioxide, such as methanol, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol,
             Supercritical  uid  10 −3   0.2 to 0.8  10 −3       and  acetonitrile,  are  used  as  modiÿers.  Organic  solvents  with  an
                 Gas          10 −1       10 −3      10 −4       added acid (e.g., formic acid or acetic acid), salt (e.g., ammonium for-
                                                                 mate  or  ammonium  acetate),  or  base  (e.g.,  diethylamine)  are  also
                                                                 used as modiÿers for the analysis of highly polar compounds.

            1 Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division                                                            1
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