Page 55 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 55


                                         Auto Dilution of Standard and
            Report                       Sample Solutions Using
                                         the SIL-30AC Autosampler

          1. Introduction
                                                                     Standard stock solution       Sample stock solution
          When conducting quantitative analysis by HPLC, dilution of standard
          solutions and sample solutions is typically performed manually. Not
          only does this operation require some degree of experience and
          knowledge, the time and effort associated with these tasks are
          certainly not insignificant. With recent advances in instrumentation
          technology, there is considerable expectation that labor savings   250 100  50  25  10  5
          through automation will enable improved throughput. Delivering on   Standard solution     Sample solution
          this expectation by automating these dilution-related tasks should   Dilution operation takes time and effort
          have a very positive impact on productivity.
          The Nexera  SIL-30AC autosampler system incorporates such
          pretreatment functionality as a standard feature, allowing dilution
                                                                                     Automation of
          and reagent addition to be fully automated.                                Dilution Process
          Here, we introduce an example of analysis of caffeine in beverages
          using the pretreatment feature of the SIL-30AC.

          2. Automatic Preparation of                                      Standard stock solution  Sample stock solution
             Standard and Sample Solutions
          Quantitation methods typically use a calibration curve, where         500
          multiple standard solutions are prepared at known concentrations,
                                                                             Concentrated stock solutions are simply placed
          and analysis of these provides an equation that defines the correlation
                                                                                   in the autosampler rack
          between known analyte concentrations and peak area or peak height.
          Then, the peak area or peak  height obtained in the subsequent
          analysis of the unknown sample is used to calculate the concentration
                                                                           Fig. 1  Advantage of Automated Dilution
          of the analyte. The concentration range is set to obtain a linear
          calibration curve, and dilution of the sample solution is sometimes
          necessary to keep the analyte concentration within the linear range.
                                                                 3. Templates Facilitating Use of
          The SIL-30AC's pretreatment feature eliminates the manual
                                                                    Pretreatment Function
          operations related to preparation of standard solutions (Fig. 1). The
          standard solutions are automatically prepared at the desired   The pretreatment functions of the SIL-30AC are controlled by LabSo-
          concentration levels, and will be injected automatically. Sample   lutions chromatography software. Common pretreatment functions
          solutions can also be diluted to the appropriate dilution factor and   like dilution and reagent addition are easily accessed through preset
          then injected, all automatically.                      templates. Additionally, a custom pretreatment program is available
                                                                 for setting up user-defined commands to accomplish specific opera-
                                                                 In this example, we present an analysis of caffeine in beverages
                                                                 using the pretreatment template for dilution.

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