Page 48 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 48

Solution 5: Impurity Identification

          In recent years, regulations have become increasingly strict with the requirements for impurities in pharmaceuticals.
          For example, the International Council for Harmonization (ICH) Q3B (R2) (Impurities in New Drug Products) requires
          identification and characterization of all degradation products, even at trace levels.
          Various mass spectrometry with excellent qualitative capabilities are excellent tools for impurity identification. However,
          the different operating requirements and compatibility issues of the chromatography and mass spectrometry systems have,
          to some extent, proved to be challenging and have increased the workload.

          Shimadzu offers a sophisticated 2D-LC system and uses it in conjunction with our MS to help you efficiently eliminate the
          difficulties in impurity identification.

          Trap-free 2D LC/MS System

          The perfect combination of 2D-LC and MS

          •  Using  Shimadzu’s  unique  trap-free  2D  LC  system,            PDA   Waste
             combined  with  dedicated  software,  the  fraction                   Fractionate
             from  first  dimension  LC  is  automatically  subjected
             to  structural  elucidation  by  LC/MS  in  the  second  1st D-LC           Sample Loop
             dimension.                                                                               UV   MS
          •  Shimadzu’s  ultra-fast  mass  spectrometry  LC-MS/MS
             and  high-quality  precision  multi-stage  tandem  mass
             spectrometry LCMS-IT-TOF can be used for structural                                      2nd D-LC/MS
             analysis and confirmation of impurities.
                                                                  Online switching of mobile phase

          From separation to identification in one step

          •  There is no need to re-develop the method. The initial LC conditions are used to accurately locate the impurity. The fluctuation
             of impurity peaks retention time caused by the change of buffer system can be avoided.

          •  Even if a non-volatile buffer is used in the original analytical method, no method changes are required. It can be easily switched
             to volatile buffer with the use of 2D-LC, and online accurate identification of target impurities can be achieved.

                                uV (x1,000)
                              1.50                                                     Step 1
                              1.25                             UV           Choose impurity peaks to be identified in the
                              0.75                            Blank           principal component UV chromatogram.
                              -0.25                                                    Step 2
                               0.0  2.5  5.0  7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  17.5  min  Using the support tool, specify the impurity retention times,
                                (x100,000,000)                              and create a time program and batch schedule.
                              1.00  1:TIC (1.00)  1:265.0757 (8.21)
                   mAU( x10)                                   XIC
                 3.75 270nm,4nm (1. 00)
                 3.50         0.25                                                     Step 3
                 3.25         0.00 0.0  2.5  5.0  7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  17.5  min  Using the 2DLC-LCMS system,
                 3.00           Inten. (x1,000,000)                          conduct sample analysis and blank analysis.
                              7.5  265.0757 [M+H] +   NH 2
                 2.75                            N         Spectrum
                              5.0     Error: 1.24 ppm  O  S
                 2.50                         3 C  H  N  N H  O
                              2.5             Molecular Formula   = C 11H 12N 4O 2S
                 2.25                         Monoisotopic Mass   = 264.068096 Da      Step 4
                              0.0             [M+H] +     = 265.075372 Da
                 2.00          100  200  300  400  500  600  700  800  900  m/z  Compare the second-dimension UV chromatogram with
                 1.75                                                      the blank analysis data and identify impurity peaks.
                                                                                       Step 5
                                                                          Confirm the mass spectrum for peaks with the same
                                                                         retention times as both the UV peaks and the MS peaks.
                 0.25    uk-1 uk-2  uk-3            uk-4
                 0.00                                                                  Step 6
                 0.25                                                       Identify the impurities by composition analysis.
                    PDA chromatogram (270 nm)
                 0.50                                                    (If necessary, acquire MS  data and conduct structural analysis.)
                   0.0  2.5  5.0  7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  17.5  20.0  22.5  min
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