Page 49 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 49

Solution 6: Chiral Separation

          Among all the drugs used in the world, chiral drugs account for more than half. These chiral compounds (enantiomers)
          may exhibit different responses to pharmacological activities and metabolic processes in the human body; some may show
          therapeutic effects, or be deemed ineffective or in the worst case even harm the body. Accurate analysis of chiral impurities
          that may occur during drug synthesis is an important part of ensuring drug safety.

          When traditional normal phase or reversed phase chromatography is used for chiral separation, difficult column selection,
          poor separation, long analysis time, and large solvent consumption are common problems.

          SFC is widely used for the separation and analysis of chiral compounds. Shimadzu Nexera UC offers a variety of SFC
          configurations to meet your different analytical testing needs in chiral separations.

          Nexera UC SFC System

          Chiral Screening System

             HPLC          Rs = 1.328

           0         4         8         12      m  n i
                   Improved       ~3x runtime
                   resolution      reduction

             SFC                  Rs = 1.703

                                                                  Effective GUI for Chiral Screening System
           0       1       2      3       4      m n i
              Comparison of retention time and separation acquired by Conventional LC and SFC
                     (sample: α-tocopherol, column: Shim-pack UC-X Sil)

          Ideal solution for chiral analysis
          •  The supercritical fluid with large diffusion coefficient and low
             viscosity  is  used  as  the  mobile  phase.  The  modifiers,  such
             as  methanol,  with  different  polarities  and  proportions  can
             meet  the  separation  and  detection  requirements  of  chiral
             compounds with different polarities in a wider range.

          •  With  any  combination  of  columns  and  modifiers,  a  large
             number  of  analytical  methods  are  automatically  generated
             for screening, perfectly supporting the development of chiral
             compound methods.

          Perfect combination to increase efficiency and reduce cost
          •  Compared  to  traditional  normal  phase  and  reversed  phase
             chromatography,  Nexera  UC  provides  better  separation
             selectivity and faster analysis for difficult-to-separate isomers.  Nexera UC SFC-UV System

          •  Nexera  UC  can  help  you  to  minimize  organic  solvent
             consumption,  and  reduce  analysis  costs  while  reducing
             environmental impact.
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