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1-2.  Solutions Using MCR-ALS Technique              400 µg/mL concentration standard samples of the pure isomers were                      300             o- / p- / m- = 100 / 1 / 100  10
                                                                 prepared by dissolving pure o-MAP, m-MAP, and p-MAP in 30˜vol%
            The MCR-ALS technique estimates the peak profile or the spectrum with   methanol-water solution and then data was acquired using the fol-
            the closest fit to measurement data by repeatedly approximating C (peak   lowing analytical conditions.                                     200
            profiles) or S (spectra) in equation (2) using least squares approximation.                                                               Intensity (mAU)                      5
            The following is the typical method for determining solutions by the   Analytical Conditions
            MCR-ALS technique. 3), 4), 5), 6)                                                                                                           100
                                                                   HPLC System       : Shimadzu LC-2030C 3D
            Step˜1  Specify the number of components in measurement data D.  Mobile Phase   : Methanol 30 %/water 70 %
            Step˜2  Calculate initial estimate (for example, by specifying the initial   Column Type   : Shimadzu Shim-pack XR-ODS III C18               0                                 0
                  value for C).                                                        (3.0 × 50 mm, 2.2˜µm)                                              5.0   5.5    6.0   6.5   7.0      5.0    5.5   6.0    6.5   7.0
            Step˜3  Using the estimate of C, calculate the S  matrix under appro-  Mobile Phase Flowrate   : 1.0˜mL/min                                           Retention time (min)              Retention time (min)
                                                                                     : 40˜°C
                                                                   Oven Temperature
                  priately chosen constraints.                     Sampling          : 240˜msec
            Step˜4  Using the estimate of S , calculate the C matrix under appro-  Slit Width   : 1.2 nm                                                       Fig. 4  Separation Results for Mixture Sample of o-MAP, m-MAP, and p-MAP
                  priately chosen constraints.                     Time Constant     : 480˜msec
            Step˜5  From the product of C and S  found in the above steps of an iter-  Sampling Wavelength Range  : 190˜nm to 400˜nm
                  ative cycle, calculate an estimate of the original data matrix, D.  Sample Injection Volume   : 1.5˜µL              3. Using i-PDeA II for Spectral Analysis             3-2.  Using i-PDeA II for Quantitative
            Step 6  Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 until convergence is achieved.                                                               and Quantitative Analysis                             Analysis
            Equation (2) generally does not give a unique solution. Therefore, to deter-  The  methylacetophenone  isomers  eluted  in  the  order  o-MAP,   3-1.  Using i-PDeA II to Measure Purity  To evaluate how well the algorithm performs, 400˜µg/mL, 400˜µg/mL,
            mine the optimal solution, constraints must be specified based on problem   p-MAP, and m-MAP respectively, where the similarity between re-                                    and 4˜µg/mL standard samples of o-MAP, m-MAP, and p-MAP, respec-
            characteristics.  Consequently,  by  specifying  appropriate  constraints,   spective components in spectra obtained from peak tops for each   When i-PDeA˜II was applied to measurement data to confirm the purity   tively, were measured individually using the same analytical conditions
            MCR-ALS can provide valid solutions even without prior information.  isomer in measurement data was 0.8410 for o-MAP/p-MAP, 0.9123   of respective standard samples for o-MAP, m-MAP, and p-MAP, an   as used to analyze the three-component mixture sample. Then the area
                                                                 for p-MAP/m-MAP, and 0.9809 for o-MAP/m-MAP (Fig. 3).                impurity was detected in the p-MAP standard sample (Fig. 5).  values from measurement results were compared to the area values of
            1-3.  i-PDeA II Peak Separation Algorithm                    350                                                                                                               separated peaks. In addition to identifying the separated peaks using
                                                                                    p-MAP  m-MAP                                               10.0        p-MAP                           the spectra in Fig. 3, their similarity was calculated as well. 8)
            If  equation˜ (1)  is  expanded  for  N  components,  the  measurement                                                                              Original
                                                                         300                                                                                                               A comparison of area values and spectral similarity from averaged re-
            signal D can be expressed by the following equation.                                                                               7.5                 SI = 0.9990             sults  for  three  analyses  is  shown  in  Table˜ 1.  (The  true  p-MAP  and
                  T    T  ...  T                                         250
              D = c 1 s 1  + c 2 s 2  +   + c N s N                                                                                                                                        m-MAP values were calculated by correcting the area value measured
                                                                                 o-MAP                                                        Intensity (mAU)  5.0
            This  algorithm  determines  a  solution  by  minimizing  the  following   200                                                                 m-MAP  210  Wavelength (nm)  320  from  the  p-MAP  standard  sample  to  compensate  for  the  2.15˜ %
            squared errors, with the chromatogram vector ck substituted by the                                                                 2.5                                         m-MAP content.)
            chromatogram model function fk. 7)                          Intensity (mAU)  150                                                                                               Table 1  Evaluation of i-PDeA II Performance for Quantitative Analysis
              E = |D − Σf k s k |  (k = 1, 2, …, N)                                                                                            0.0
                       T 2
                                                                         100                                                                     5.0   5.5    6.0   6.5   7.0                             Area (µAUs)
            In this case, a bidirectional exponentially modified Gaussian (BEMG)                                                                         Retention time (min)               Component         Mixture Sample  Error %  Similarity
            function is used as the chromatogram model function. BEMG is the   50                                                           Fig. 5  Impurity Contained in p-MAP Standard Sample       True Value  (Deconvoluted)
            reciprocal of the delay time component of the exponentially modified                                                                                                             o-MAP    2,090,806  2,080,405  -0.50 %  1.0000
            Gaussian (EMG) function, as defined by the following equations.  0                                                        Based on the elution time and spectral similarity, the impurity is pre-  p-MAP  27,666  26,639  -3.71 %  0.9996
                         0                                                                                                                                                                   m-MAP    2,658,837  2,656,836  -0.08 %  1.0000
                          ax .
              bemg(t,a,b) =  e    emg(t − x,b)dx                           5.0   5.5  Retention time (min)  6.5  7.0                  sumably m-MAP.
                        −∞                                                                                                            Therefore, the p-MAP standard sample was measured using a Shimadzu
                       ∞                                                                                                                                                                   Fig.˜ 7  shows  the  normalized  p-MAP  spectrum  from  the  standard
                        −bx .
              emg(t,b) =  e    exp(−(t − x) )dx                          400         p-MAP  Similarity                                Shim-pack XR-Phenyl reversed phase ultra fast analysis column (3.0˜×˜
                                                                                           (o- / p-) = 0.8410
                      0                                                                    (p- / m-) = 0.9123                         75˜mm, 2.2˜µm packing) to separate the impurity (Fig.˜6).  sample compared to the spectrum estimated based on the separated
            This algorithm applies the MCR-ALS technique by using an estimated   300  m-MAP  (o- / m-) = 0.9809                                                                            peak from the mixture.
            value as the initial value and the BEMG model function as the chromato-  Intensity (mAU)  200                                                   Component  Area (˛AUs)  Area %                             Standard sample
            gram constraint. Since the number of components after separation is un-  o-MAP                                                     10.0         p-MAP  3,243,251  97.85 %              400                 spectrum
                                                                                                                                                                       2.15 %
            known, the initial condition starts with a single component and then suc-  100                                                     7.5                                                 300                 Estimated spectrum
            cessively adds components as the presence of unseparated peaks are de-                                                                        p-MAP
            termined in the residual signal to determine the optimal solution.  0                                                             Intensity (mAU)  5.0  m-MAP                         Intensity (mAU)  200
                                                                              225   250   275  300
                                                                                    Wavelength (nm)                                            2.5                                                 100
            2. Example of Using the Algorithm for                      Fig. 3  Measurement Results for Standard Samples of
                a Three-Component Mixture Sample                            o-MAP, m-MAP, and p-MAP                                            0.0                                                   0
                                                                                                                                                 7      8     9     10    11                             225  250   275   300
            The following describes an example of using the algorithm for a mixture   A mixture solution prepared by mixing o-MAP, m-MAP, and p-MAP      Retention time (min)                                 Wavelength (nm)
            of  the  positional  isomers  o-methyl  acetophenone  (o-MAP),  m-methyl   standard samples to 400˜µg/mL, 400˜µg/mL, and 4˜µg/mL concentra-  Fig. 6  Measurement of m-MAP Content       Fig. 7  Shape Comparison of p-MAP Spectra
            acetophenone (m-MAP), and p-methyl acetophenone (p-MAP), shown   tions, respectively, and then data was acquired using the same analyti-  in p-MAP Standard Sample
            in Fig. 2.                                           cal conditions. Given the relative concentrations in the order of peak                                                    In  the  case  of  the  three-component  mixture  sample  with  relative
                    O            O                 O
                                                                 elution  (o-MAP/p-MAP/m-MAP  =100/1/100),  the  peak  for  p-MAP     As a result, the m-MAP peak was separated and it was confirmed that   o-MAP, p-MAP, and m-MAP concentrations of 100, 1, and 100, re-
                                                                 (relative concentration of 1) was obscured by the peaks for o-MAP and   with the area ratio in results averaged from three measurements the   spectively, there was less than ±1˜% error and over 0.9999 similarity
                                                                 m-MAP (relative concentration of 100), which eluted before and after   standard sample contained 2.15˜% m-MAP.            between the area values of separated peaks and the corresponding
                                                                 the p-MAP peak. Consequently, the presence of p-MAP could not be                                                          peaks  measured  from  standard  samples  with  relative  o-MAP  and
                                                                 conÿrmed  visually. However, when i-PDeA˜ II was used for measure-                                                        m-MAP  concentrations  of  100  and  less  than  ±4˜ %  error  and  over
                 o-methylacetophenone   m-methylacetophenone   p-methylacetophenone  ment data from the time range from 5.0 to 7.0 minutes and wave-                                       0.9996  similarity  between  the  area  values  of  peaks  for  the  relative
                       Fig. 2  Structure of Target Substances    length range from 210 to 320˜nm, o-MAP, m-MAP, and p-MAP could                                                            p-MAP concentration of 1.
                                                                 be separated into independent peaks, as shown in Fig.˜4.
      2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3
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