Page 42 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 42

2-2. Quantitation of a Mixture of                    Absorbance  Normalized
                                                                                         255.93 nm
                   Two Components                                        Spectrum of VP
                                                                                              Spectrum of DFBP
            This section demonstrates that the derivative spectrum chromatogram
            method can separate and quantitate two chromatographically co-
            eluted peaks in a data set acquired for a mixture of two components.
            Difluorobenzophenone (DFBP) and Valerophenone (VP) standards,
            in 5 different relative concentrations of 100/1,100/10,100/50,
            100/100,100/200, were used to acquire the derivative spectrum   216.93 nm
            chromatograms of DFBP and VP. A calibration curve was created
            (Table 1) and quantitative analysis of each sample mixture was   225.0    250.0    275.0     nm
                                                                         Fig. 4  Spectrum comparison; DFBP and VP
            performed (Tables 2 and 3).
                            Analytical Conditions
                                                                  Table 1  Calibration data points created by derivative spectrum
                   Pump        : Shimadzu LC-30AD×2                           chromatogram of VP standard sample (R =0.9999309)
                   Detector    : Shimadzu SPD-M30A
                   Column oven  : Shimadzu CTO-20AC               Sample relative  Retention
                   Controller  : Shimadzu CBM-20A                  concentration  time   Area  Concentration  Error (%)
                   Autosampler  : SIL-30ACMP                         (VP)      (min)
                   Mobile phase  : Acetonitrile45% / Water55%
                   Column      : Shimadzu Shim-pack XR-C8             1        1.804     2,984    0.964   -3.62
                                 (50 mmL. × 3.0 mmI.D., 2.2 µm)
                   Flow rate   : 2 mL/min                             10       1.801    30,368    9.876   -1.24
                   Column temp.  : 40 °C                              50       1.804   151,922   49.439   -1.12
                   Sampling    : 80 msec
                   Slit width  : 1 nm                                 100      1.802   310,801  101.149   1.15
                   Time constant  : 240 msec
                                                                      200      1.802   613,207  199.572   -0.21
                   Wavelength range  : 190 nm to 700 nm
                   Injection volume  : 1 µL
            Fig. 4  shows the spectrum comparison of DFBP and VP. Fig. 5 shows   Table 2  Quantitation result of VP in DFBP/VP mixed sample
            the absorbance chromatogram of the mixed sample (DFBP/VP=
                                                                  Sample relative  Retention
            100/200) at 210 nm and the derived spectrum chromatogram at   concentration  time  Area  Concentration  Error (%)
            255.93 nm (1  derived zero wavelength of DFBP) & 216.93 nm (1    (DFBP/VP)  (min)
            derived zero wavelength of VP).                         100/1      1.808     3,167    1.023   2.30
            Fig. 6 shows the absorbance chromatogram of the mixed sample   100/10  1.807  30,372  9.878   -1.22
            (DFBP/VP=100/1) at 210 nm. Due to the low concentration in the   100/50  1.802  153,206  49.856  -0.29
            sample, the VP peak is hidden in the DFBP peak. The ellipse in Fig.   100/100  1.806  309,596  100.757  0.76
            6 shows the derivative spectrum chromatograms, which are used
                                                                    100/200    1.815   620,556  201.964   0.98
            by i-PDeA to find and integrate the peak.
            The VP calibration curve, created by using the integrated peak   Table 3  Quantitation result of DFBP in DFBP/VP mixed sample
            area for VP in the derivative spectrum chromatogram, was used
                                                                  Sample relative  Retention
            to calculate the quantitative amount of VP in each sample. The re-  concentration  time  Area  Concentration  Error (%)
            sults are shown in Table 2. In the case of the lowest VP concentra-  (DFBP/VP)  (min)
            tion sample (DFBP/VP = 100/1), the concentration was calculated   100/1  1.746  359,670  102.225  2.23
            to be 1.023 (2.30% error).
                                                                    100/10     1.742   357,969  101.741   1.74
            In the same way, the DFBP calibration curve was created and used   100/50  1.737  357,497  101.607  1.61
            to calculate the quantitative amount of DFBP in each sample.  The
                                                                    100/100    1.742   357,891  101.719   1.72
            results are shown in Table 3. Of note in these results is the repro-
                                                                    100/200    1.751   351,528   99.911   -0.09
            ducibility of peak area for a 1 µL sample injection (<1% RSD) as
                                                                           Area %RSD=0.87 (injection volume:1 µL)
            well as <3% error in the quantitative calculation.
                       mAU                                                 mAU
                     200  Ch1-210 nm, 4 nm  VP                          125  210 nm, 4 nm
                       Ch2-Derivative 255.93 nm                                          Absorbance chromatogram
                       Ch3-Derivative 216.93 nm  Absorbance             100
                     150                  chromatogram
                                   DFBP                                  75
                        Derivative spectrum
                        at 255.93 nm                                     50
                                          Derivative spectrum
                     50                   chromatogram                   25
                                          at 216.93 nm
                      1.60  1.65  1.70  1.75  1.80  1.85  1.90  1.95  min  1.60  1.65  1.70  1.75  1.80  1.85  1.90  1.95  min
              Fig. 5  Peak separation in the mixed sample (DFBP/VP=100/200)  Fig. 6  Absorbance chromatogram of the mixed sample (DFBP/VP=100/1)
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