Page 37 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
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Samples showing high water content complicate the extraction pro-  Six  extraction  vessels  were  prepared,  each  containing  the  same
            cess (i.e., reduce both the extraction efÿciency and the repeatability   amount of supplement sample. Each extraction vessel was subjected
            of the pretreatment) as supercritical carbon dioxide does not mix   to ofšine SFE after which the recovered liquid was analyzed by SFC at
            with water. In these cases, the extraction efÿciency can be increased   the conditions shown in Table 2. The recovery and repeatability of the
            by mixing the sample with a dehydrating agent before enclosing it   process was conÿrmed.
            into  the  extraction  vessel.  Extraction  efÿciency  can  also  be  low   The six chromatograms obtained are shown overlapping each other
            when supercritical carbon dioxide is used for the extraction of highly   in Fig. 6.
            polar constituents. In this case, the extraction efÿciency  can be in-
            creased by adding modiÿers  such as methanol during the extrac-  Table 2  Conditions Used for the Analysis of
            tion. In the case of samples with constituents showing ionic polar      the Pretreated Samples (SFC)
            groups, acid (e.g., formic acid, acetic acid), salt (e.g., ammonium
            formate, ammonium acetate), and bases (e.g., ammonia, diethyl-  Column    : Nacalai COSMOSIL Cholester

                                                                               4.6 mmI.D. × 250 mmL. 3 Žm

            amine) can be added during the extraction. Fine pulverization of the   Modiÿer   :   IPA
            sample normally increases extraction efÿciency.  For polymer sam-  Gradient     : 2% (0 min) ĺ 20% (10 min) ĺ 50% (10–12 min)
            ples, a ÿne  freeze-crushing treatment before the extraction often   Flow rate   : 3 mL/min
            results in increased extraction efÿciencies.          Temperature   : 40°C
                                                                  Back pressure   : 15 MPa
                                                                  Injection volume   : 2 ŽL
            4. Using the Nexera UC SFE Pretreatment               Detector    : UV-VIS (@293 nm)
                System for Extracting Fat-Soluble Vitamins
            Vitamin E is a group of fat-soluble compounds widely used as antioxi-  mAU
            dants and for nutritional support in foods and medicinal products.             d-α-tocopherol
            We present an example of ofšine  SFE using the Nexera UC SFE pre-
            treatment system to extract d-α-tocopherol, a vitamin E compound,   20
            from a nutritional supplement. The sample used was a commercially
            available  soft  capsule  supplement  containing  d-α-tocopherol.  The
            soft capsule supplement contained a paste, which was mixed with a
            dehydrating agent before being enclosed into an extraction vessel.
            The extraction was exclusively performed with supercritical carbon di-  10
            oxide, and hexane was used as the eluent after trapping. The detailed
            extraction conditions are shown in Table 1. The extraction liquid re-
            covered by the fraction collector was diluted to 10 mL with hexane in
            a measuring šask.  The sample extraction vessel contained 7.4 mg of
            d-α-tocopherol, and the theoretical concentration of d-α-tocopherol   0
            in the ÿnal SFE extraction liquid was 0.74 mg/mL.
                                                                           6. 0         7  .0       8.0  min
                                                                    Fig. 6  Results for SFE Extraction Liquid Analyses
                                                                         (The Six Samples Are Shown Overlapping Each Other).
                                                                 The concentration and recovery of d-α-tocopherol in the six SFE ex-
                                                                 traction liquid chromatograms (Fig. 6) are summarized in Table 3. The
                    Fig. 5  Sample Before and After the SFE Process  extraction pretreatment showed both high repeatability and high re-
                                                                 covery,  thereby  revealing  that  the  Nexera  UC  SFE  pretreatment
                            Table 1  SFE Conditions              system can be used for the automated consecutive pretreatment of
                                                                 target constituents in a solid sample with good efÿciency.
              Extraction vessel   : 5 mL
                                                                     Table 3  Repeatability and Recovery of Vitamin E Extraction
              Extraction solvent  : CO2
              Flow rate   : 5 mL/min
              Temperature   : 40°C                                      No.            Conc.         Recovery
              Back pressure    :   15 MPa                                             (mg/mL)          (%)
              Extraction time   : 15 min (Static extraction ĺ Dynamic extraction)  1   0.776          104.46
             Trap & Pressure down conditions                            2              0.780          105.00
              Trap column     :   Shim-pack VP-ODS 4.6 mmI.D. × 50 mmL. 5 Žm  3        0.772          103.92
              Temperature   : 60°C                                      4              0.790          106.35
              Pressure down time : 10 min (15–25 min)
                                                                        5              0.761          102.44
             Recovery conditions
                                                                        6              0.758          102.04
              Elution solvent    :   Hexane
              Flow rate   : 2 mL/min                                  Average                 0.773
              Fraction time    :   3.5 min (25–28.5 min)              RSD (%)                 1.549

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