Page 36 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 36

The extraction conditions can be conÿgured  such that the pretreat-  (2) Static extraction
            ment operations can be run from the same LabSolutions workstation   Once the extraction vessel has reached the set temperature, the su-
            used for the analysis. Thus, the extraction conditions and pretreat-  percritical  uid  is  introduced  into  the  vessel  and  static  extraction
            ment can be intuitively controlled in the same way as sample analysis.  occurs. Parameters such as the extraction vessel temperature, pres-
            The material extracted by the supercritical uid is collected in a trap   sure and duration of the extraction, and type and quantity of the
            column, subsequently eluted by an organic solvent, and ÿnally recov-  modiÿer  can be independently controlled during extraction depend-
            ered using a fraction collector before performing the analysis by LC   ing on the sample and target constituent to be extracted.
            (LC/MS), GC (GC/MS), or NMR. Comprehensive and complementary   (3) Dynamic extraction
            sample analysis can be achieved by combining the results from sever-  After the static extraction, a dynamic extraction is performed by deliver-
            al of these analysis methods.
                                                                 ing the uid through the extraction vessel. This operation allows the ex-
            Compared with Soxhlet extraction, SFE uses a much lower quantity of   traction of the target material from the extraction vessel and subsequent
            organic solvent during the pretreatment, thereby reducing costs and   collection in a trap column located downstream of a back pressure regu-
            allowing a more environmentally friendly pretreatment step.  lator. Downstream of the back pressure regulator is held at close to at-
                                                                 mospheric pressure such that carbon dioxide is in a gaseous state while
                                                                 collecting the extraction material in the trap column. ODS and other col-
            3. Operating Principles of the Nexera UC             umns used for HPLC can be used as trap columns. Similar to static extrac-
                SFE Pretreatment System                          tion, the extraction vessel temperature, pressure and duration of the ex-
                                                                 traction, and type and quantity of the modiÿer can be adjusted depend-
            The schematic diagrams of the Nexera UC SFE pretreatment system
            showing material ow and principle of operation are shown in Fig. 4.   ing on the sample and target constituent to be extracted.
            The extraction process can be roughly divided into four operations:  (4) Elution from the trap column and recovery of the extraction material
            (1) Extraction vessel delivery and temperature control  Once the dynamic extraction has ÿnished, the uid delivery is stopped and
                                                                 the back pressure regulator is opened, thereby allowing the system pres-
            An extraction vessel is moved from the rack changer to the SFE unit,
            and the extraction vessel is subsequently heated to the set tempera-  sure to drop to atmospheric pressure. The delivery pump is then switched
            ture (40–80 ºC).                                     from the modiÿer to the eluent, which is passed through the trap column
                                                                 to elute the extraction material. The eluate is then recovered into collec-
                                                                 tion tubes using a fraction collector. An organic solvent is used as the
                                                                 eluent to simplify concentration and post-treatment steps of the eluate.

                                                                     CO2 pump        Back pressure      Fraction
                                                                              SFE unit  regulator  Column oven  collector
            (1) Extraction vessel delivery and temperature control
            A  speciÿed  extraction  vessel  is  transferred  to  the  SFE  unit  and   cylinder
            heated to the set temperature.                         delivery pump
                                                                                             Trap column
                                                                         Extraction vessel        tubes
                                                             Modi er  Eluent
            (2) Static extraction
            When the temperature of the extraction vessel has reached the set
            temperature, the supercritical  uid is introduced and static extrac-
            tion (i.e., in the absence of  uid  ow) is allowed.

            (3) Dynamic extraction
            The extraction is dynamically performed by passing the supercriti-
            cal  uid through the extraction vessel. The extraction material is
            taken from the extraction vessel and collected at atmospheric pres-
            sure after evaporation of CO2 in the trap column downstream the
            back pressure regulator.

            (4) Elution from the trap column and recovery of the extrac-
               tion material
            The delivery pump is used to deliver the eluent through the trap
            column, thereby eluting the extraction material, which is then re-
            covered using a fraction collector.

                                              Fig. 4  Material Flow and Principle of Operation

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