Page 31 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 31

4.  i-Series Integrated Liquid
                                                                      ACTO Function
            4.  i-Series Integrated Liquid                       4-2.  ACTO Function
                Chromatograph System and the
                 Chromatograph System and the                    ACTO, which is equipped in the latest version of LabSolutions, is an effi-
                 ACTO Function                                   cient method transfer tool provided by Shimadzu. Here we describe one
                ACTO Function
                                                                 of ACTO's functions called "gradient start time adjustment function."
            This  report  has  described  examples  of  retention  time  differences
            caused by different system volume and adjustment of the initial hold   Transferring an analytical method from an existing LC system to another
            time (adjusting the gradient start time). We now describe the Shi-  system can cause differences in retention times because of the differenc-
            madzu  i-Series  integrated  liquid  chromatograph  system  and  the   es in system volume and specifications of solvent delivery unit. This prob-
            ACTO function equipped in the Shimadzu LabSolutions workstation   lem can be resolved using ACTO's gradient start time adjustment func-
            software that supports a variety of method transfers.  tion. The gradient adjustment function is configured during method cre-
                                                                 ation. If a user simply enters the difference in system volume, then the
                                                                 corrected initial hold time is automatically added or subtracted during
            4-1.   i-Series Integrated Liquid                    analysis. This enables the acquisition of identical chromatograms before
            4-1.  i-Series Integrated Liquid
                      omatograph System
                  Chromatograph System                           and after method transfer. The function can also correct subtle errors that
                                                                 cannot be considered by the compatibility kit (e.g., pump characteristics
            The i-Series is Shimadzu's product line of integrated liquid chromato-
            graphs  that  contain  all  the  functions  required  for  LC  analysis  in  a   and solvent delivery mechanism) and can achieve optimal compatibility.
            compact unit. These functions have been optimized for ease of oper-  This adjustment is configured in a method separately from the time pro-
            ation and maintenance. Using standard piping or attaching the op-  gram. Thus, reconfiguration of an existing time program is unnecessary.
            tional compatibility kit enables the use of i-Series systems with system   Consequently, using Shimadzu's i-Series instruments and the ACTO
            volumes compatible with other Shimadzu systems and other vendors'   function can provide higher efficiency and reliability during method
            systems. This provides good reproducibility between systems when   transfer in a variety of applications.
            performing analyses using existing methods.
                                                                   Original instrument used before method transfer
            Shimadzu's workstation software also includes the ACTO function, as   The mobile phase composition begins to change once this
            mentioned earlier, which is designed specifically for the i-Series and   period of time has elapsed after sample injection.
            enables smooth method transfer.

                                                                        System volume
                                                                          (large)       The point where the mobile phase
                                                                                        composition begins to change.
                                                                   Instrument used after method transfer

                                                                                                    Without ACTO

                                                                                       The gradient starts earlier than that
                                                                                       from the original instrument due to
                                                                      System volume    the difference of system volume.
                                                                                                    With ACTO

                     Fig. 6  i-Series Integrated LC System (Nexera-i)                  An initial holding time equivalent to
                                                                                       the speci ed system volume is added
                                                                                       to the gradient start time automatically.
                                                                           Fig. 7  Adjusting the Gradient Start Time

                                                                                                    First Edition: August, 2016
                                               For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedure.
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                                               products in your country.

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                                                                                                  © Shimadzu Corporation, 2016
                                                                                               Printed in Japan
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