Page 30 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
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The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) provides the following descrip-
                                   System 1: System volume 1155 µL  tion to correct for errors between systems:2) "If adjustments are neces-
                                                6  7             sary, change in column packing (maintaining the same chemistry), the
                          2                                      duration  of  an  initial  isocratic  hold  (when  prescribed),  and/or  dwell
                              3             5                    volume adjustments are allowed." In other words, the adjustment of
                                                                 initial hold time (or gradient start time adjustment) does not fall under
                                                                 method change, and therefore, does not require revalidation.
                                   System 2: System volume 505 µL    (a)
                                                                               2          4       : Another
                                                                                  3                Vendor's
                                                                                                  : Nexera-i MT
                                                                            1                        5

                               System 2 + Added initial hold (+650 µL)

                                                                    0.0  2.5  5.0  7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  17.5  min
                                                                   ů  Peaks
                                                                   1 to 5: Sunscreen mixture
              0.00  0.50  1.00  1.50  2.00  2.50  3.00  3.50  4.00  min  ů  Analytical Conditions
                                                                   Column     : Shim-pack VP-ODS (150 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 5.0 µm)
               ů  Peaks                                            Mobile phase A   : 20 mmol/L (Sodium) phosphate buffer solution (pH 2.5)
               1. Acetophenone, 2. Propiophenone, 3. Butyrophenone, 4. Valerophenone,   Mobile phase B   : Acetonitrile
               5. Hexanophenone, 6. Heptanophenone, 7. Octanophenone  Initial concentration : 30% B
               ů  Analytical Conditions                            Flow rate   : 1.0 mL/min
               Column     : Shim-pack XR-ODS II (75 mm L. × 3.0 mm I.D., 2.2 µm)  Temp.   : 60 °C
               Mobile phase A   : Water                            Detection   : Photodiode array absorbance detector
               Mobile phase B   : Acetonitrile                     Injection volume   : 10 µL
               Initial concentration : 60% B                       Flow line used   : HPLC Łow line (Nexera-i MT)
               Flow rate   : 0.8 mL/min                            Time program
               Temp.      : 40 °C                                  Time   Unit   Func.   Value
               Detection   : Photodiode array absorbance detector  2.00   Pump   B.Conc   30
               Injection volume   : 10 µL                          25.00  Pump   B.Conc   70
               Time program                                        25.10  Pump   B.Conc   30
               Time   Unit   Func.   Value                         32.00  Pump   B.Conc   30
               0.93   Pump   B.Conc   60                           35.00  Controller   Stop
               1.59   Pump   B.Conc   95                                                   Adjustment of gradient
               3.50   Pump   B.Conc   95
               3.51   Pump   B.Conc   60                                                    start time with ACTO
               6.00   Controller   Stop                              (b)
            Fig. 4  Different Retention Times Due to Different System Volumes and  2      4       : Another
                 Their Correction by Addition of an Initial Hold Time (Alkylphenones)  3            System
                                                                                                  : Nexera-i MT
            3-2.  Analysis of UV Absorbents
            3-2.   Analysis of UV Absorbents                                1                         5
            In this section, we describe an example method transfer to a Shimadzu
            system from another vendor's HPLC system using a sunscreen mixture.
            Fig. 5a shows the chromatogram obtained from the analysis of a sun-
            screen mixture using Shimadzu's Nexera-i MT and another vendor's
            system. Although these two analyses were performed using identical   0.0  2.5  5.0  7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  17.5  min
            methods, a huge difference in the peaks after 10 min is observed. This   ů  Analytical Conditions (changes only)
            difference is caused by the difference in system volumes of the two sys-  Gradient adjustment : +340 µL (Nexera-i MT)
            tems and is similar to the analysis described earlier in this report.
                                                                   Retention Time Error (%) Compared to Another Vendor's System
            Using ACTO's gradient start time adjustment function equipped in   Component Before gradient adjustment  After gradient adjustment
            the Shimadzu LabSolutions workstation software, we adjusted the
            gradient start time correct the difference in system volumes and per-  1  0.29          0.32
            formed the analysis. As seen from Fig. 5b and the inset table in Fig. 5,   2 3  1.16    1.26
            the retention times were almost identical for all peaks.
                                                                      4           1.38              −0.38
            Using  this  approach,  compatibility  between  Shimadzu  system  and   5  1.46         −0.05
            other vendors' system can be achieved by adjusting the gradient start
            time. This means that an adjustment in the gradient start time en-  Fig. 5  Example Method Transfer with Gradient Adjustment
            ables smoother method transfer.                              (Sunscreen mixture)
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