Page 29 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 29

2.  System Volume and Gradient
                                                                 3. Corr
                                                                          ection of Gradient Delay
            2.    System V  olume and Gradient                   3. Correction of Gradient Delay
                                                                 We have discussed differences in chromatograms caused by method
            System volume differences must be considered when transferring a   transfer and the origin of these differences. Next, we describe an ex-
            method from one system to other systems.             ample  analysis  and  method  transfer  using  multiple  LC  systems  that
                                                                 have different system volumes.
            Fig. 2 shows the flow line from the mobile phase reservoir to the
            column  of  LC  system.  Gradient  delay  volume  means  the  system
            volume between the point where two or more eluents are mixed and   3-1.   Alkylphenone Analysis
                                                                 3-1.  Alkylphenone Analysis
            the column inlet. As shown in Fig. 2, the gradient delay volumes are
            different for low-pressure gradient and high-pressure gradient sys-  Alkylphenones are aromatic ketones that can be analyzed by reversed
            tems. Even for the same type of gradient system, different lengths   phase chromatography. We analyzed alkylphenones using two systems
            and/or  internal  diameters  of  piping  can  provide  different  gradient   of different system volumes and compared the chromatograms ob-
            delay volumes.                                       tained from each system. We then adjusted the difference in retention
                                                                 time between the two systems by adding an initial hold time.
            Fig. 3 shows how gradient delay affects separation. In general, even
            if gradient has already started on the time program, the actual gradi-  The results are shown in Fig. 4. A comparison of the two chromato-
            ent start time (time to increase an organic solvent concentration) is   grams (Fig. 4, top and middle) shows differences between the peaks in
            delayed.  If  the  result  obtained  from  a  system  with  a  large  system   the latter half of the chromatograms. These chromatograms were ob-
            volume (Fig. 3, right) is compared to that from a system with a small   tained from analyses performed under identical conditions but differ-
            system volume (Fig. 3, left), we can see the gradient start time is de-  ent systems. The system volumes of system 1 and 2 are 1155 µL, 505
            layed more. This can cause different separation patterns on different   µL, respectively. Therefore, there is a difference of 650 µL between the
            systems.                                             two systems. This difference in the system volumes leads to different
                                                                 separation. The chromatogram at the bottom of Fig. 4 was obtained
            Consequently, system volume difference must be considered when
            transferring a method and the gradient program must be modified by   via an analysis using system 2, after adding an initial hold time equiva-
            making an adjustment to the initial hold time (gradient start time).   lent to 650 µL. This chromatogram is almost identical to that obtained
            Nevertheless, gradient programs cannot be modified when the ana-  from system 1; this confirms that equivalent results can be obtained
            lytical conditions are strictly defined by the testing regulations.  from different systems by correcting for system volume difference.

                                              Gradient delay volume of a low-pressure gradient system

                                                  Pump         Mixer


                                                                   Gradient delay volume of a
                                                                   high-pressure gradient system

                                              Fig. 2  Gradient Delay Volumes (System Volumes)

                   System volume (small)                           System volume (large)
                                                        B.Conc (%)                                      B.Conc (%)
                   The gradient begins early when system volume is small.  The gradient is delayed when system volume is large.
                                                         100                                            100

                                                         50                                             50

                                                        0                                               0
                0.0       1.0      2.0       3.0      4.0 min   0.0       1.0      2.0       3.0      4.0 min
                                                Fig. 3  System Volume and Gradient Delay

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