Page 26 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
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3-2.  Converting a Method for Sulfa Drug Analysis for General Use
            3-2.   Converting a Method for Sulfa Drug Analysis for General Use
            Sulfa drugs (sulfonamides) is a generic term given to synthetic antibac-  rated the sulfa drugs in around 20 min. As shown in the chromato-
            terial drugs and chemotherapy drugs that contain a 4-aminobenzene-  gram in Fig. 3b, an appropriate method transfer enabled us to achieve
            sulfonamide moiety. These drugs are used to treat infections and for   a separation almost equivalent to that obtained with UHPLC.
            other purposes. Here, we describe an example of developing an effi-  Due to compatibility of Nexera-i MT system with a variety of other sys-
            cient UHPLC analysis method for a sample containing nine sulfa drugs   tems, we also performed the same analyses on other systems. Almost
            and transferring this UHPLC method to HPLC conditions. Using this   identical chromatograms were obtained when the analyses were per-
            HPLC method, we then performed an analysis using a Shimadzu Promi-  formed on a Prominence-i system and another vendor's system using
            nence-i system and another vendor's system and verified the compat-  the same method (Fig. 3c). The table at the bottom left of Fig. 3 shows
            ibility of the method with these systems.
                                                                 the retention times and percentage errors for each compound com-
            UHPLC analysis was performed using a Shimadzu Nexera-i MT system.   pared to the results obtained using the Nexera-i MT system. The reten-
            As seen from the chromatogram in Fig. 3a, separation of the nine sulfa   tion time percentage error is within 2 % for almost all compounds.
            drugs was achieved in around 5 min.
                                                                 The  examples  presented  here  suppose  that  methods  created  for
            In order to transfer this method from UHPLC to HPLC, the column was   UHPLC by R&D departments are transferred to methods for HPLC. In
            changed from Shim-pack XR-ODS II (75 mm L. × 3.0 mm I.D., 2.2 µm)   addition, they also suppose that those HPLC methods will be used in
            to Shim-pack VP-ODS (150 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 5.0 µm). Based on   systems in other departments. As can be seen from the results, transfer
            this column information, we then modified the time program, flow   can be done without any differences in the separation patterns.
            rate,  sampling  rate,  and  other  parameters  (for  method  transfer  to   Furthermore, if there is compatibility among systems, then comparable
            HPLC) by using the Analytical Conditions Transfer and Optimization   analytical results can be obtained even using other systems. For this
            (ACTO) function (described later).
                                                                 reason, the same analysis can also be performed by departments that
            We then performed the HPLC analysis on the sulfa drugs using the new   have different systems from R&D department.
            method and using the same Nexera-i MT system. We successfully sepa-

                (a)                                                   (b)
                                    UHPLC (Nexera-i MT)                  1                 HPLC (Nexera-i MT)
                   1  2
                         3 4                                                2
                             5  6                                              3
                                   7     8
                                          9                                     4  5
                                                                                          7      8
                                                        Method transfer                           9
                                                        (for general use)
                  1.0  2.0   3.0   4.0   5.0   6.0   min                5.0     10.0     15.0    20.0      min
               ů  Peaks                                               ů  Analytical Conditions (changes only)
               1. Sulfadiamine, 2. Sulfamerazine, 3. Sulfadimidine, 4. Sulfamethoxypyridazin,   Column   : Shim-pack VP-ODS (150 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 5.0 µm)
               5. Sulfamonomethoxine, 6. Sulfamethoxazole, 7. Sulÿsoxazole,   Flowrate   : 1.24 mL/min
               8. Sulfadimethoxine, 9. Sulfaquinoxaline sodium        Injection volume   : 5 µL
               ů  Analytical Conditions                               Internal volume adjustment : +1364 µL
               Column     : Shim-pack XR-ODS II (75 mm L. × 3.0 mm I.D., 2.2 µm)  Time program
               Mobile phase A   : 0.5 % acetic acid                   Time   Unit   Func.   Value
               Mobile phase B   : Acetonitrile                        31.85  Pump   B.Conc   35
               Initial concentration : 35% B                          31.90  Pump   B.Conc   10
               Flowrate   : 1.2 mL/min                                45.00  Controller   Stop
               Temp.      : 40 °C                                     Note: Other conditions are identical to conditions before transfer
               Detection   : Photodiode array ultraviolet-visible absorbance detector
               Injection volume   : 2 µL                                                     Analysis with
               Time program
               Time   Unit   Func.   Value                                                   other systems
               7.00   Pump   B.Conc   35                              (c)
               7.01   Pump   B.Conc   10
               10.00  Controller   Stop
               Component  Nexera-i MT  Prominence-i  Another vendor's system            Another vendor's system
                         RT (min)  RT (min)  Error  RT (min)  Error
                   1      4.649    4.747   2.12%    4.617   −0.68%
                   2      6.628    6.716   1.33%    6.590   −0.58%
                   3      8.817    8.878   0.68%    8.769   −0.55%
                   4      9.306    9.397   0.97%    9.196   −1.19%
                   5      11.521  11.647   1.09%   11.370   −1.31%
                   6      13.648  13.812   1.20%   13.439   −1.53%
                   7      15.586  15.747   1.03%   15.344   −1.56%
                   8      20.239  20.413   0.86%   19.951   −1.43%
                   9      20.834  21.007   0.83%   20.533   −1.45%
                                                                        5.0     10.0     15.0    20.0      min
                                      Fig. 3  Method Transfer and Compatibility with Another Vendor's System

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