Page 27 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 27

4. Nexera-i MT and ACTO Function
            4. Nexera-i MT and ACTO Function                     However, transferring a method requires complex calculations based on
                                                                 the internal diameter of the column, column length, particle diameter,
            We describe the Shimadzu Nexera-i MT integrated liquid chromatograph   and other parameters for determining an appropriate post-transfer flow
            system and the ACTO function included in the Shimadzu LabSolutions   rate and time program. This task can be simplified by using the "Method
            workstation software, which are products that support method transfer.  Transfer" tool included in LabSolutions. When this tool is used, a method
                                                                 is created automatically by just selecting an existing method, and enter-
            4-1.  Nexera-i MT Integrated Liquid
            4-1.   Nexera-i MT Integrated Liquid                 ing the column information and some other parameters. Automatically
                  Chromatography System
                  Chr omatography System                         created methods can be incorporated in LabSolutions software with a
                                                                 single click of a button; this streamlines the work flow from method con-
                                                                 version to analysis. Method Transfer is a powerful tool and can be uti-
            Nexera-i MT is an excellent method transfer system from existing LC
            systems. Nexera-i MT has dual flow lines, one is for HPLC and the   lized in a variety of situations to carry out efficient method transfers.
            other for UHPLC, and can switch these flow lines during a method.
            This system offers following two advantages:
            • The ability to switch HPLC flow line and UHPLC flow line enables the
              transfer of UHPLC methods to general use (HPLC) methods and to trans-
              fer general use methods to UHPLC methods within a single system.
            • Attaching  an  optional  flow  line  to  the  standard  HPLC  flow  line
              allows for method compatibility with liquid chromatography (LC)
              systems that have different system volumes.                        Step 1: Tool Startup
            Combining the Nexera-i system with the ACTO function described
            below facilitates smooth method transfer in a variety of applications.

                                                                              Step 2: Method File Selection

                             Fig. 4  Nexera-i MT

            4-2.  ACTO Function (Method Transfer)
            4-2.   ACTO Function (Method T        ransfer)
            ACTO, which is included in the latest version of LabSolutions, is an ef-  Step 3: Column Speci cation
            ficient method transfer tool provided by Shimadzu. Here we describe
            one of ACTO's functions called "Method Transfer."
            For improving the speed of an existing analysis performed on a HPLC
            system by converting it for use on a UHPLC system or for converting an
            analysis performed on an UHPLC system for general use with HPLC,   Step 4: Save as Method File
            modifications need to be made to the existing analysis methods.  Fig. 5  Method Transfer Work Flow

                                                                                                    First Edition: August, 2016
                                               For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedure.
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                                                                                                  © Shimadzu Corporation, 2016
                                                                                               Printed in Japan
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