Page 22 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
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                                Report Template Creation Window

                                                                                 Example of Report Output

                                                  Fig. 15  Creating Multi-Data Reports
            6. Conclusion
            6. Conclusion
            Using the Nexera Method Scouting system, it is possible to easily and
            quickly determine the optimal analytical conditions. In addition, it is
            easy to view a summary of evaluation values and chromatograms for
            the analytical results obtained. The system can also be used for de-
            termining analytical conditions for new compounds, checking the
            robustness of developed analytical conditions, testing the differenc-
            es between different lots of analytical columns, and other applica-
            tions, which can be expected to signiÿcantly reduce the time and
            effort required for analytical operations.
                                                                        Nexera Quaternary           i-Series
            In addition to  Nexera Method  Scouting systems, the dedicated
            Method Scouting Solution software is also compatible with Nexera   Fig. 16  Low-Pressure Gradient System Controllable by
                                                                            Method Scouting Solution Software
            Quaternary systems  (low-pressure  gradient systems) and i-Series
            integrated LC systems. That means existing systems can be expand-  Note: The Nexera Quaternary and i-Series systems do not currently support
            ed to method scouting systems.                          the mobile phase blending function.

                                                                                                   First Edition: February, 2017

                                                                                                   © Shimadzu Corporation, 2017
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