Page 18 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 18

2-4. Starting Mobile Phase and
              85%                   A
                              10%   B                                 Column Scouting
                                    C                            After selecting the mobile phases and columns and specifying gradi-
                                 0%  D           Pump A          ent conditions, sample information, and other settings, clicking the
                                                                 [Create Batch] button in the lower right corner of the window dis-
                      50%           A                            plays the batch creation preview window (Fig. 9). After checking the
                                    B                            preview, clicking the [Create Batch & Run] button starts the scout-
                                5%  C                            ing process. Analysis processes can be even further automated uti-
                                                                 lizing functionality included in LabSolutions, such as the automatic
                           25%      D            Pump B
                                                                 mobile phase switching and baseline stability check functions.
                     Solvent Blending         Binary Gradient
                       Fig. 6  Mobile Phase Blending Function

                                                                                        Click [Create Batch] to display
            Fig. 7  Buffer Solution Prepared Using the Mobile Phase Blending Function   the [Preview] window.
                 (example of settings for a pH 2.6 (sodium) phosphate buffer solution)

            2-3. Specifying Analytical Condition
                  Settings and Creating Gradient

            In addition to the existing linear gradient mode, Method Scouting
            Solution also supports multilinear, stepwise, and isocratic gradient
            modes (Fig. 8). After selecting the gradient mode, if the organic sol-
            vent concentration at respective points in time are entered, then the
            software creates the gradient proÿle automatically. In this example
            of sulfa drug analysis, the linear gradient mode was used, as indicat-
            ed for Step (2) in Figure 4.
            By selecting the basic method created in LabSolutions, the Method
            Scouting  system  uses  the  basic  parameters  required  for  analysis
            (such as …ow rate, oven temperature, and detection wavelength).
            Therefore, analytical conditions can also be scouted using the gradi-
            ent conditions speciÿed in the basic method.                   Fig. 9  Batch Creation Preview Window

                            Fig. 8  Stepwise Mode

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