Page 16 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 16

2.  Simultaneous Analysis of Sulfa                   2-1.  Method Scouting Solution
                Drugs Using Method Scouting                      The main window displayed in Method Scouting Solution is shown in
                Solution                                         Figure 4. It shows the various parameters for columns, mobile phases,

            This section describes an example of scouting conditions for simul-  sample  information,  gradient  conditions,  and  so  on,  and  corre-
            taneous analysis of sulfa drugs, which are used in synthetic antibac-  sponding icons that can be clicked to easily change the respective
            terial agents, anticancer agents, and other pharmaceuticals. The ini-  parameters.
            tial conditions considered for the sulfa drugs are shown in Figure 3.   Using  the  dedicated  software,  batch  analysis  can  be  performed
            In this case, a total of four types of mobile phases were considered   (scouting started) easily by (1)“selecting the columns and mobile phases
            by combining either of two types of (sodium) phosphate buffer solu-  preregistered in the database, (2)“specifying gradient conditions, (3)“
            tions with different pH values as solvent“A and acetonitrile or metha-  entering sample information and other parameters, and (4)“clicking the
            nol as solvent“B. Six types of columns were considered, including   [Create Batch] button. By working in conjunction with LabSolutions
            three Shim-pack XR“series columns. These four mobile phases and six   software, the Method Scouting Solution software is able to automate
            columns were used to test a total of 24“analytical condition combi-  all analysis processes involved in method scouting, from preparing the
            nations.                                             system for analysis (startup) to shutting down the system after the
                                                                 analysis is ÿnished  (shutdown). Consequently, the software can sig-
                                                                 niÿcantly  reduce the amount of time and effort required to specify
                                                                 conditions and execute analyses for method scouting.

               Analytes: Nine Sulfa Drug Compounds

                  H2N                                 H2N
                        O          H2N                       O          H2N                   H2N
                        S                 O N               S                 O N  N  O             O N  N
                       O  NH             S  N  N           O  NH              S                     S  N  O
                        N  N            O  H                N  N             O  N H                O  H
                 1. Sulfadiazine   2. Sulfamerazine   3. Sulfadimidine  4. Sulfamethoxypyridazine  5. Sulfamonomethoxine

                  H2N                                 H2N                       Na O
                        O          H2N                      O                   S
                       S                  O  O N            S                  O  NH
                       O  NH             S                 O  NH                  N
                       N                O  N H              N                   N
                                                           O  N  O
                6. Sulfamethoxazole  7. Sulfisoxazole  8. Sulfadimethoxine  9. Sulfaquinoxaline sodium

               Mobile Phases: 2 Aqueous × 2 Organic = 4 Mobile Phases  Columns: 6 Types
               (A)  (a) 10–mmol/L (sodium) phosphate buffer, pH 2.6  1. Shim-pack XR-ODS (75–mm–L. × 3.0–mm–I.D., 2.2–µm)
                  (b) 10 mmol/L (sodium) phosphate buffer, pH 6.9  2. Shim-pack XR-C8 (75–mm–L. × 3.0–mm–I.D., 2.2–µm)
                                                                 3. Shim-pack XR-Phenyl (75 mm L. × 3.0 mm I.D., 2.2 µm)
               (B)  (a) Acetonitrile                             4. Column A-ODS (75 mm L. × 3.0 mm I.D., 2.0 µm)
                  (b) Methanol                                   5. Column B-C8 (75 mm L. × 3.0 mm I.D., 2.0 µm)
                                                                 6. Column C-Phenyl (75 mm L. × 3.0 mm I.D., 2.0 µm)
                  4 types of                6 types of
               mobile phases                 columns                       Total 24 combinations

               Other Analytical Conditions
               Flow rate     : 0.8 mL/min
               Injection volume   : 2 µL
               Column temperature : 45 ºC
               Detection     : UV detection (265–nm)
               Time program    :   B Conc. 10–% (0–min)  ĺ 35–% (6.50–min)  ĺ 50–% (6.51 to 7.50–min)  ĺ 10–% (7.51 to 11.00–min)

                                    Fig. 3  Scouting Analytical Conditions for Simultaneous Analysis of Sulfa Drugs

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