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P. 11


            Technical                    Rapid Method Scouting of
            Report                       Chiral Compounds

                                         Tadayuki Yamaguchi , Hidetoshi Terada , Takeo Sakai , Sadahiro Hayakawa 1

            Enantiomer resolution by chiral column chromatography is a variation of column chromatography that is actively being researched in the
            pharmaceutical field of drug discovery. One drawback of this method, however, is the extensive time and effort required to determine the
            optimum mobile phase conditions and the most suitable column for separation of the analyte among a wide variety of available chiral columns.
            This has spurred the demand for faster scouting of chiral separation conditions.
            Here, using the Nexera Method Scouting system with the iChiral-6 polysaccharide-based columns (Daicel Corporation), we report an example in
            which high-resolution column conditions are constructed for analysis of chiral compounds.
            Keywords: UHPLC, Nexera Method Scouting, chiral column, iChiral-6, chiral compounds

            1. Introduction                                     creasing overall throughput while minimizing solvent consumption.
            The safe and secure use of chiral compounds in their pure form   Here we introduce the results obtained in the analysis of three chiral
            (enantiomers) is essential for direct biological applications, specifically   compounds: bromacil, α-methyl-α-acethyl-γ-butylrolactone, and meth-
            in the field of pharmaceuticals. It is often the case where one enantio-  ylclothiazide using the Nexera Method Scouting system with the high-
            mer has detrimental or toxic effects while the other enantiomer has   resolution conditions that are possible with the iChiral-6 polysaccha-
            curative properties, so it is critical that enantiomers be fully separated.   ride-based columns.
            Optical separation (chiral separation) by HPLC is one method typically
            used to obtain chiral compounds. This HPLC method normally in-
                                                                2. Experiment
            volves a labor-intensive, time-consuming search for an appropriate   2.  Experiment
            mobile phase and column suitable for a particular chiral compound, a
                                                                2-1. System
            process referred to as method scouting. Much effort has been direct-
            ed recently at accelerating such method scouting to speed up drug
                                                                Fig. 1 shows the flow diagram depicting the Nexera Method Scouting
            synthesis and the production of pharmaceutical intermediates.
                                                                system that was constructed for this application. The system is config-
            As an associated technology, ultra high performance liquid chroma-  ured by installing a column switching valve inside the oven and a sol-
            tography (UHPLC) has been attracting much attention as an HPLC   vent switching valve within each of the Nexera ultra high perfor-
            technique capable of increasing throughput in commercial analytical   mance pump, thereby permitting comprehensive data collection
            enterprises by improving productivity and efficiency. Introduction of   while continuously switching through a maximum of 96 unique com-
            UHPLC is also being promoted for method scouting as a means of in-  binations of columns and mobile phases.

                                                                                   CHIRALPAK IA
                                                                                   CHIRALPAK IB
                                                  Pump A    Gradient
                          Dichloromethane                                          CHIRALPAK IC
                                                            mixer    Autoinjector               PDA
                          Methyl tert-Butyl Ether   LPGE unit
                                                                                   CHIRALPAK ID
                                      2-Propanol                        Column     CHIRALPAK IE
                                                             Pump B     switching
                                                                        valve       CHIRALPAK IF
                                      Dichloromethane  LPGE unit
                                                                                   Column oven
                                      Methyl tert-Butyl Ether
                                          Fig. 1   Flow Diagram of the Nexera Method Scouting System
            1 Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division                                                            1
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