Page 7 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 7

4-1. Step 1: Scouting for Mobile
                    Phases and Column                                                                 Equation 1
                                                                  This evaluation equation was devised to emphasize peak resolution,
            The objective in Step 1 is to scout for the optimum mobile phase   and therefore utilizes the "number of peaks" in the chromatogram
            and column. For the mobile phases, 4 aqueous mobile phases with   and the "sum of the resolution values". Following is a detailed
            different pH values (phosphate, citrate, ammonium acetate buffer   explanation of this process, using the 2 chromatographic patterns
            solutions, etc.) and 3 organic mobile phases (acetonitrile, metha-  of Fig. 7.
            nol, etc.) were used, and for the column, 6 types of columns were
                                                                  Pattern 1 shows a chromatogram consisting of 4 unevenly
            used, including 3 of the Shimpack XR series HPLC columns with
                                                                  separated components, and Pattern 2 shows a chromatogram in
            2.2 µm particle size packing material, and 3 of the Core-shell type
                                                                  which the 2 peaks are completely separated. At first glance,
            columns with 2.6 µm particle size packing material. The column
                                                                  pattern 2 appears to show good separation, but when applying the
            size was specified as 50 mm length and 3 mm inner diameter in all
                                                                  calculation method using Equation 1 (based on the number of
            cases. In order to elute compounds having a wide range of polarity,
                                                                  detected peaks and sum of resolution values) to assess the
            for the time program we used universal gradient conditions in
                                                                  chromatograms quantitatively, the assessment value for pattern 1,
            which the organic solvent ratio was set to 5% to 90% in linear
                                                                  with the apparently poor separation, is the higher of the two. This
            fashion. A UV-VIS photodiode array detector (detection wavelength
                                                                  is due to the overly large separation between the 2nd and 3rd peak
            set to 260 nm) was used for detection, and comprehensive investi-
                                                                  of Pattern 1, thereby resulting in a higher calculated resolution than
            gation was conducted using a total of 72 conditions. Details of the
                                                                  that of pattern 2. Therefore, to correct the discrepancy between
            analytical conditions are as shown in Table 1.
                                                                  the visual assessment and the calculated assessment, an upper limit
                        Table 1  Step 1 Analytical Conditions     of "3" was set for the resolution upper limit (the resolution will be
                                                                  taken as "3" even if a value of "5" or "10" is entered).
              Mobile phases: (A)  (a) Sodium phosphate buffer solution pH 2.6
                         (b) Sodium citrate buffer solution pH 3.1
                         (c) Ammonium Acetate buffer solution pH 4.7
                         (d) Ammonium Acetate aqueous solution pH 6.7
                      (B)   (a) Acetonitrile
                         (b) Methanol
                         (c) Acetonitrile / methanol = 50/50 (v/v)
              Columns:    (1)Shim-pack XR-ODS    (50 mmL. × 3.0 mmI.D.ɼ2.2 µm)
                          (2)Shim-pack XR-C8    (50 mmL. × 3.0 mmI.D.ɼ2.2 µm)
                          (3)Shim-pack XR-Phenyl  (50 mmL. × 3.0 mmI.D.ɼ2.2 µm)
                          (4)Kinetex C18     (50 mmL. × 3.0 mmI.D.ɼ2.6 µm)
                          (5)Kinetex XB-C18        ɹ(50 mmL. × 3.0 mmI.D.ɼ2.6 µm)
                          (6)Kinetex PFP   (50 mmL. × 3.0 mmI.D.ɼ2.6 µm)
              Time program  : B Conc. 5% (0 min)    90% (5.01-7 min)    5% (7.01-9 min)
              Flow rate   : 1.0 mL/min
              Injection volume  : 5 µL                                     Fig. 6  Typical Chromatograms of Step 1
              Column temperature  : 40°C
              Detection wavelength  : 260 nm (SPD-M20A)             <Pattern 1>
                                                                               1  2         3  4

            4-2. Chromatogram Verification (Step 1)
                                                                          Incomplete Separation  Incomplete Separation
            Using the LabSolutions browser feature, the 16 representative
                                                                    Peak   Resolution       Resolution (after setting upper limit)
            chromatograms studied in Step 1 are shown in Fig. 6. Due to the   1  −                   −
            difficulty in judging the quality of some of the data by visual   2  1.1                1.1
                                                                     3       8.0                    3.0
            comparison and assessment of the chromatograms, quantitative   4  1.4                   1.4
            evaluation (4-3) was conducted in addition to the visual evaluation   Assessment Value  42  Assessment Value   (22)
            of the chromatograms.
                                                                      <Pattern 2>
                                                                                1     2   3  4
            4-3. Quantitative Assessment of Chromatograms
            In this report, to quantitatively assess the state of separation in the   Good Separation
            chromatogram obtained by method scouting, an equation for   Peak  Resolution    Resolution (after setting upper limit)
            conducting the assessment was devised (Equation 1), in which the   1  −                  −
                                                                     2       4.0                    3.0
            assessment value (E) is calculated using the number of detected
                                                                     3       2.5                    2.5
            peaks (P) and resolution (Rs, with upper limit value set to 3). This   4  2.2           2.2
            was applied in the investigation of the analytical conditions for   Assessment Value  35  Assessment Value   (31)
            simultaneous analysis of the cephem antibiotics.        Fig. 7  Separation-Emphasized Assessment of Chromatograms
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12