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            Technical                    Improved R&D Efficiency Through
            Report                       Speedier Method Development (3)

                                         Tadayuki Yamaguchi


            Method scouting is the search for analytical conditions (column, mobile phase, and gradient settings) that optimize an LC separation.
            When used with a UHPLC (ultra high performance LC) system, the time to produce a robust, validated method is greatly shortened, which
            leads to an increased interest in and application of UHPLC systems for method development. In this report, we introduce an example of
            such scouting using the Nexera Method Scouting System together with its specialized Method Scouting Solution software to conduct a
            search for simultaneous analytical conditions to be used in analysis of 13 cephem antibiotic substances.
            Keywords: UHPLC, Nexera Method Scouting, Method Scouting Solution, Cephem Antibiotics Simultaneous Analysis

            1. Introduction                                      It is a system that not only features a high 130 MPa pressure capac-
                                                                 ity, superb performance, reliability and extendibility, it is ideal for the
            The process of method development in HPLC can be categorized into
                                                                 fully automated examination of mobile phases and columns.
            four steps: 1) Offline simulation to predict retention behavior, 2)
                                                                 Regarding the examination of mobile phases, a combination of up
            Method scouting to search for the optimum column and mobile
                                                                 to 16 types of mobile phases can be examined by installing a res-
            phase, 3) Method optimization to further improve various parameters
                                                                 ervoir switching valve in each pump. In addition, up to 6 different
            including flow rate, column temperature, and gradient conditions,
                                                                 columns can be investigated automatically by installing a 100 MPa
            and 4) Method validation to verify the robustness of the method. Due
                                                                 pressure capacity flow line switching valve (FCV-34AH) in the
            to the necessity of addressing the significant work effort, time, and
                                                                 column oven. Simply put, it permits the fully automated investiga-
            level of skill required to develop an effective method, the method
                                                                 tion of up to 96 combinations of mobile phases and columns,
            scouting process is used to determine the method that uses the most
                                                                 thereby enabling exhaustive scouting of analytical conditions in a
            suitable among many mobile phases (pH, salt concentration, organic
                                                                 fraction of the time required by traditional methods.
            solvent ratio) and columns (ODS, C8, Phenyl, etc.).
            There is increasing interest in high throughput systems with the
            objectives of improved business efficiency and productivity, and
            even in HPLC, the prevalence of ultra high performance liquid
            chromatography (UHPLC) is growing, mainly due to the use of ul-
            tra-small particle size columns. And, in response to this trend, the
            introduction of UHPLC in method scouting is also underway.
            This report introduces the Nexera Method Scouting System and
            the special Method Scouting Solution software, newly developed
                                                                           Fig. 1  Nexera Method Scouting System
            with the aim of improving efficiency in the method scouting pro-
            cess. Also introduced is the application of the Nexera Method   3FTFSWPJS TXJUDIJOH
                                                                              4PMWFOU EFMJWFSZ QVNQ
            Scouting System in determining the optimum analytical conditions           'MPX MJOF TXJUDIJOH WBMVF
                                                                                        '$7   ")
            for analysis of cephem antibiotics.
                                                                                   "VUP                   1IPUPEJPEF
                                                                               .JYFS TBNQMFS             BSSBZ EFUFDUPS
            2. Nexera Method Scouting System
            Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show the Shimadzu Ultra High Performance Liquid   4PMWFOU EFMJWFSZ
            Chromatograph Nexera Method Scouting System and a flow-line di-                   $PMVNOT  .BOJGPME
            agram of the overall process. This is a method scouting system with              $PMVNO PWFO
            the Nexera ultra high performance liquid chromatograph as its base.   Fig. 2  Nexera Method Scouting System Flow Line Diagram

            Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division                                                               1
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