Page 9 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 9

4-5. Step 2: Optimization of Gradient Conditions

       After establishing the highest evaluated mobile phase   and final concentration (3 types, including 40%, 65%, 90%),
       (combination of phosphate buffer solution and acetonitrile) and   we investigated 5-minute gradient programs from initial to
       column (Kinetex XB-C18), next we focused on determining the   final concentration. The other conditions were the same as
       optimum gradient conditions. Based on a total of 9 combina-  those shown in Table 1. The analytical conditions are shown in
       tions of initial concentration (3 types, including 5%, 10%, 15%)   Table 3.
                                          Table 3  Step 2 Analytical Conditions
                          Mobile phase    :(A) Sodium phosphate  buffer solution (pH 2.6)
                                           (B) Acetonitrile
                          Column          :Kinetex XB-C18 (50 mmL. × 3.0 mmI.D., 2.6 µm)
                          Time program    :(1) B Conc. 5% (0 min)    40% (5.01−7 min)    5% (7.01−9 min)
                                           (2) B Conc. 5% (0 min)    65% (5.01−7 min)    5% (7.01−9 min)
                                           (3) B Conc. 5% (0 min)    90% (5.01−7 min)    5% (7.01−9 min)
                                           (4) B Conc. 10% (0 min)    40% (5.01−7 min)    10% (7.01−9 min)
                                           (5) B Conc. 10% (0 min)    65% (5.01−7 min)    10% (7.01−9 min)
                                           (6) B Conc. 10% (0 min)    90% (5.01−7 min)    10% (7.01−9 min)
                                           (7) B Conc. 15% (0 min)    40% (5.01−7 min)    15% (7.01−9 min)
                                           (8) B Conc. 15% (0 min)    65% (5.01−7 min)    15% (7.01−9 min)
                                           (9) B Conc. 15% (0 min)    90% (5.01−7 min)    15% (7.01−9 min)
                          Flow rate       :1.0 mL/min
                          Injection volume  :5 µL
                          Column temperature  :40°C
                          Detection wavelength  :260 nm (SPD-M20A)

       4-6. Chromatogram Verification (Step 2)
       The chromatograms that were studied in Step 2 are shown in   From the results of Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, the gradient program
       Fig. 10. Also, the results of quantitative assessment of the chro-  providing the best separation was determined to be an initial
       matograms using Equation 1 as in Step 1 are shown in Fig. 11.   concentration of 5% and a final concentration of 65%.

                                           Fig. 10  Chromatograms of Step 2
                           Assessment Value  300

                                Fig. 11  Chromatogram Quantitative Assessment Results (Step 2)
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