Page 14 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 14

4. Analysis
            4. Analysis
            CLASS-Agent Report data processing software (Shimadzu Corp.) can   number of detected peaks, etc. With this software, it is possible to
            quickly select the best separation conditions by comparing the data   compare data both visually and quantitatively, thus making data pro-
            trace along with chromatographic parameters such as resolution,   cessing more efficient.

                           Resolution     Separation Factor  Symmetry Factor (Peak 1)  Symmetry Factor (Peak 2)
                           k (Peak 1)     k (Peak 2)    Area % × 10 (Peak 1)    Area % × 10 (Peak 2)
                                   1             2             3              4             5
                                    Fig. 6   Quantitative Comparison of Chromatograms Using CLASS-Agent Report

                                              Table 2   Analysis Results for Methylclothiazide
                                                                Separation  Symmetry Factor  k  Area %  No. of Peaks
              Order  Run No.      Analytical Conditions  Resolution
                                                                 Factor  Peak 1  Peak 2  Peak 1  Peak 2  Peak 1  Peak 2  Detected
               1    18  Methylclothiazide_ID_n-Hex_EtOH_3_analysis_B20%_14 min  3.785  1.523  1.31  1.463  5.665  8.626  49.777  50.223  2
               2    27  Methylclothiazide_IF_MC_EtOH_6_analysis_B2%_4 min  3.086  1.858  1.127  1.094  1.39  2.583  52.748  47.252  2
               3    6  Methylclothiazide_IB_MC_EtOH_6_analysis_B2%_4 min  2.456  2.248  0.715  1.094  0.443  0.995  45.633  54.367  2
               4    13  Methylclothiazide_IC_n-Hex_EtOH_3_analysis_B20%_14 min  1.577  1.238  1.264  1.3  2.821  3.493  47.96  52.04  2
               5    30  Methylclothiazide_IF_n-Hex_EtOH_4_analysis_B100%_18 min  1.515  2.759  1.465  0  0.102  0.282  48.153  51.847  2

            5. Conclusion
            5. Conclusion
                                                                 as well as a visual comparison, permitting greatly improved efficiency
            Using the Nexera Method Scouting system and the iChiral-6 high-res-
                                                                 of data analysis.
            olution polysaccharide-based columns, it was possible to quickly de-
            termine through exhaustive analysis the best column and mobile   We believe that the system and columns used in this research will be
            phase for each of three types of chiral compounds. Further, by com-  useful in a variety of markets including the synthetic drug discovery
            paring such numerical values representing the resolution and symme-  sector and pharmaceutical intermediates sector responsible for chiral
            try index of each chromatogram using CLASS-Agent Report, it was   analysis, new method development in pharmaceutical CMC depart-
            possible to conduct a comparative evaluation of the chromatograms   ments, and chemical and food R&D.

               1) Technical Report “Ultra Fast Method Scouting” (C190-E158)
               2) Technical Report “Improved R&D Efficiency Through Speedier Method Development (3)” (C190-E159)
               We wish to express our deep appreciation to Daicel Corporation for their guidance and cooperation for us to proceed with this study.
            Note: CHIRALPAK is a registered trademark of Daicel Corporation.

                                                                                                   First Edition: November, 2013

                                               For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
                                               The content of this publication shall not be reproduced, altered or sold for any commercial purpose without the written approval of Shimadzu.
                                               The information contained herein is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind including without limitation warranties as to its
                                               accuracy or completeness. Shimadzu does not assume any responsibility or liability for any damage, whether direct or indirect, relating to the
                                               use of this publication. This publication is based upon the information available to Shimadzu on or before the date of publication, and subject
                                               to change without notice.                                                                        © Shimadzu Corporation, 2013
                                                                                               Printed in Japan 3655-10312-15ANS
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