Page 19 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 19

3. Screening Mobile Phases and Columns Using the Multi-Data Report and
                Browser Functions

            Determining the optimal mobile phase and column combination based   An example of an evaluation results report for scouting conditions for
            on the huge amounts of analytical results generated by method scout-  sulfa drugs is shown in Figure 10. The table in the upper part of the
            ing is not easy. However, by using the multi-data report and data brows-  report indicates the number of peaks detected for each set of analyti-
            er functionality included in LabSolutions DB/CS, the optimal conditions   cal conditions (data ÿle  name) used for measurements, the resolu-
            can be determined quickly. This section shows 24 method scouting   tion,  and  the  evaluation  value  and  corresponding  rank  calculated
            results obtained from simultaneous analysis of the sulfa drugs.  based on equation 1. Results can either be listed in order the analyses
                                                                 were performed, as shown in Figure 10 (a), or in descending order of
            The following equation was used to quantitatively evaluate the reso-
                                                                 evaluation value, as shown in Figure 10 (b). The lower part of the
            lution status in the chromatograms obtained. (For more details, refer
            to Technical Report C190-E159: Improved R&D Efÿciency  Through   report shows a bar graph of the evaluation values for each set of ana-
                                                                 lytical conditions, which allows evaluation values to be judged visual-
            Speedier Method Development (3)).
                                                                 ly. By using the multi-data report function in this way, candidates for
                     E = P (RS1 + RS2 + ... + RSP)      (eq. 1)
                                                                 determining the optimal analytical conditions can be identiÿed from
            Equation 1 was conÿgured  to evaluate resolution based especially on   huge amounts of analytical results.
            peak resolution, where E, the evaluation value, is calculated using P, the
            number of peaks detected in the chromatogram, and RS, the resolution.



                                     Fig. 10  Results from Method Scouting Using the Multi-Data Report Function

   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24