Page 23 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 23

Solution 2: LC Method Transfer

          When the R&D department completes the development and verification of the LC method, it needs to be transferred to
          other laboratories such as QA/QC and CMO.

          Due to the use of different analytical instruments and configurations, pharmaceutical companies may encounter difficulties
          with LC method transfer in their drug development and research processes. Issues such as irreproducibility of resolution
          and retention time may be faced.

          Shimadzu understands this problem and developed the Nexera-iMT method transfer system. Its Analytical Condition
          Transfer and Optimization (ACTO) function achieves seamless transfer of LC analytical methods.


          i) Method transfer between             ii) Method transfer between systems with different delay volume
                HPLC and UHPLC

                                                Original instrument used before method transfer
                              Prominence-i           The mobile phase composition begins to change once this   System 1: System volume 1155 µL
                                                     period of time has elapsed after sample injection.

                                                   System volume
                                                     (large)  The point where the mobile phase
                                                              composition begins to change.
                                                                                              System 2: System volume 505 µL
                                                Instrument used after method transfer
          0.0  10.0  20.0  30.0  40.0  min
                                                                      Without ACTO
               Method        Speed
               Transfer   Improvement
                                                             The gradient starts earlier than that
                                                             from the original instrument due to
                                Nexera-i          System volume  the difference of system volume.  System 2 + Added initial hold (+650 µL)
                                                                      With ACTO
                                                             An initial holding time equivalent to
                                                             to the gradient start time automatically.
                                                                              0.00  0.50  1.00  1.50  2.00  2.50  3.00  3.50  4.00  min
          0.0  2.0  4.0  6.0  8.0  10.0  12.0        min

             Method transfer of Cephem antibiotics             Retention time correction by adding an initial holding time

          Excellent dual-flow method transfer system
          •  The new method transfer system based on the outstanding
             i-Series  ensures  excellent  intersystem  reproducibility.  Unique
             dual-flow  system  is  designed  for  both  HPLC  and  UHPLC
             analysis and transfer.

          •  The  new  ACTO  function  can  automatically  adjust  the  delay
             volume to fit different systems. Within a few clicks, the new
             Nexera-iMT method can be generated.

          Transfer methods easily

          •  Using Nexera-iMT, analytical methods can be freely converted
             to  fit  HPLC  and  UHPLC  systems.  This  greatly  simplifies  the
             method transfer process and maximize laboratory efficiency.

          •  The  chromatograms  of  the  original  method  were  perfectly
             reproduced, and the separation effect and retention time of
             the original condition were maintained, regardless of system             Nexera-iMT
             differences such as instrument model and delay volume.
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