Page 20 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
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A summary of the chromatograms measured using each set of analyt- As a result, optimal conditions for simultaneous analysis of nine sulfa
ical conditions can be viewed using data browser. Figure 11 shows an drugs were successfully established based on optimal conditions de-
example of using data browser to display all the chromatograms ob- termined using the multi-data report and data browser functionality.
tained. Optimal analytical conditions can be determined not only Details are shown in Figure 12.
based on the evaluation values displayed in the multi-data report, but
also by displaying a summary of the peak elution status for each chro-
matogram. Furthermore, data browser can also display only chro-
matograms for a candidate's optimal analytical conditions, selected
based on evaluation value results using the multi-data report.
Fig. 11 Comparison of Chromatograms Using the Data Browser Function
1. Sulfadiazine, 2. Sulfamerazine, 3. Sulfadimidine,
mV 4. Sulfamethoxypyridazine, 5. Sulfamonomethoxine, 6. Sulfamethoxazole,
30.0 4 7. Sulfisoxazole, 8. Sulfadimethoxine, 9. Sulfaquinoxaline sodium
27.5 1 2 3 6 8 Analytical Conditions
25.0 5 7 9
22.5 Analytical column : Shim-pack XR-Phenyl (75 mm L. × 3.0 mm I.D., 2.2 µm)
Mobile phase A : 10 mmol/L (sodium) phosphate buffer
15.0 solution (pH 2.6)
12.5 Mobile phase B : Acetonitrile
10.0 Initial concentration : 10 % B
5.0 Flow rate : 0.8 mL/min
2.5 Temperature : 45 ºC
0.0 Detection : UV detection (265 nm)
−5.0 Injection volume : 2 µL
1. 0 1 .5 2. 0 2 .5 3. 0 3 .5 4. 0 4 .5 5. 0 5 .5 6. 0 6 .5 min Time program : B Conc. 10 % (0 min) ĺ 35 % (6.50 min)
ĺ 50 % (6.51 to 7.50 min)
ĺ 10 % (7.51 to 11.00 min)
Fig. 12 Optimal Combination of Column and Mobile Phases for Simultaneous Analysis of
Sulfa Drugs Determined by Method Scouting and Corresponding Chromatogram