Page 25 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 25

2.  Column Dimensions and
            2.    Column Dimensions and                          Improving the speed of an existing analysis leads to higher overall ef-
                Analytical Conditions
                 Analytical Conditions                           ficiency.  For  example,  although  quality  control  tests  may  be  per-
                                                                 formed according to the test methods registered with regulatory au-
            UHPLC analysis generally requires a column that is shorter, has small-  thorities, process control tests may not be under the influence of such
            er  internal  diameter,  and  smaller  packing  material  size.  However,   regulatory controls. In such cases, improving the speed of analysis
            once  the  column  dimensions  are  modified,  the  existing  analytical   during process control facilitates higher overall efficiency.
            method must also be altered. This is because analytical conditions op-
            timized for the HPLC analysis and the corresponding HPLC columns   (a)
            will not be optimal for the UHPLC analysis. The same is true when
            transferring a method from UHPLC to HPLC.                                          Prominence-i
            When  a  method  is  transferred,  the  main  items  that  need  to  be
            changed are as follows.                                                   5
            • Flow rate                                                    1
                                                                                 3         7
            • Time program                                                        4
            • System delay volume                                                              9      10
            • Sampling rate                                                              6               11
            • Detector response
            • Sample injection volume
                                                                    0.0    10.0    20.0   30.0   40.0     min
            • Upper pressure limit
                                                                   ů  Peaks
            Among these parameters, the time program is particularly important   1. Cefadroxil, 2. Cefapirin, 3. Cefalexin, 4. Cefradine, 5. Cefotaxime, 6. Cefazolin,
            for gradient analyses. If an inappropriate gradient program is config-  7. Cefuroxime, 8. Cefoxitin, 9. Cefoperazone, 10. Cefalothin, 11. Cefamandole.
                                                                     Analytical Conditions
            ured, it will result in an inferior separation after method transfer (see   ů Column   : Shim-pack VP-ODS (250 mm L. × 4.6 mm I.D., 5.0 µm)
            Fig. 1). Further, if the relative retention times and resolution are speci-  Mobile phase A   : 0.1 % formic acid
            fied in testing regulations, the time program must be modified to   Mobile phase B   : Acetonitrile
            keep the separation pattern. Due to these complications, it is much   Initial concentration : 5% B
                                                                              : 1.0 mL/min
            more efficient to modify a gradient program using theoretical calcula-  Temp.   : 45 °C
            tions based on flow rate, column length, column internal diameter   Detection   : Ultraviolet-visible absorbance detector (260 nm)
            and system delay volume.                               Injection volume   : 10 µL
                                                                   Time program
                                                                   Time   Unit   Func.   Value
                                                                   2.00   Pump   B.Conc   5
                                                                   50.00  Pump   B.Conc   35
            3. Example of Method T
            3. Example of Method Transfer                          55.00  Pump   B.Conc   35
                                                                   55.10  Pump   B.Conc   5
                                                                   65.00  Controller   Stop
            We have discussed method transfers from HPLC to UHPLC and UHPLC                    Method transfer
            to HPLC. We will now describe examples of method transfer among                  (speed improvement)
            multiple systems including Shimadzu’s systems and other vendor’s.
                                                                                       5           Nexera-i
                        ovement in the Speed of
            3-1.  Improvement in the Speed of                                  2 3
                  Analysis of Cephem Antibiotics                          1      4           7
                  Analysis of Cephem Antibiotics
            Cephem antibiotics are beta-lactam antibiotics that can be adminis-
            tered as an oral or injectable formulation. Here, we describe improv-               9
            ing the analysis speed using a mixture of 11 cephem antibiotics as             6          10
            samples.                                                                           8         11
            We used a Shimadzu Prominence-i system to analyze cephem antibi-
            otics under HPLC conditions (Fig. 2a). Based on the column dimen-  0.0  2.0  4.0  6.0  8.0  10.0  12.0  min
            sions,  we  then  modified  the  HPLC  method  such  as  the  flowrate,   ů  Analytical Conditions
            sample injection volume, and time program for UHPLC analysis (see   Column   : Shim-pack XR-ODS II (100 mm L. × 3.0 mm I.D., 2.2 µm)
            Fig. 2 for details). We used the UHPLC method to perform an analysis   Flowrate   : 1.00 mL/min
            with a Shimadzu Nexera-i system. As seen from the results shown in   Injection volume   : 4 µL
                                                                    Time program
            Fig. 2b, we succeeded in improving the speed of the analysis of the   Time   Unit   Func.   Value
            cephem  antibiotic  mixture  while  keeping  the  separation  pattern   0.51   Pump   B.Conc   5
            almost identical to that obtained from the HPLC analysis. The exam-  12.76  Pump   B.Conc   35
                                                                    14.04  Pump
            ple shown in Fig. 1, which was a failed attempt at improving speed of   14.06  Pump   B.Conc   5
            analysis, also used cephem antibiotics as an analysis sample. These re-  17.00  Controller   Stop
            sults show that appropriate analytical conditions must be determined   Note: Mobile phases A and B and initial concentrations are identical to those

                                                                       before method transfer
            during method transfer.
                                                                    Fig. 2  An Example of Method Transfer (Cephem antibiotics)
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