Page 6 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
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3. Method Scouting Solution                          4. Building Analytical Conditions for
                                                                     Simultaneous Analysis of Cephem
            Fig. 3 shows a screen capture from Method Scouting Solution, the
            special software used with the Nexera Method Scouting System.
            Method Scouting Solution is a software application specially   Here we introduce an application example using the Nexera
            designed to support automation of the method scouting process,   Method Scouting System. Thirteen  types of Cephem antibiotics
            while providing a user-friendly graphical interface to facilitate the   were used as analytes, including cephradine, cephalexin, cephapirin,
            scouting setup operations. Settings for the columns, mobile   cefazolin, cefadroxil, cefaclor, cefuroxime, cephalothin, cefotaxime,
            phases, and gradient conditions are made in the main window   cefoperazone, cefoxitin, cefsulodin and cefmetazole. Cephem
            (Fig. 3), and by merely entering the necessary parameters accord-  antibiotics are a type of β-lactam antibiotic, and because they are
            ing to the provided on-screen guidance, setup can be easily   broad-spectrum antibiotics possessing strong antibacterial activity,
            completed through to creation of the batch table. With the built-  they are commonly used as injectable and oral medicines. However,
            in database management functions, entering and storing the   since these compounds possess similar structures, their complete
            names of columns and mobile phases not only improves manage-  separation by reversed-phase chromatography is notoriously
            ment efficiency, it can help to ensure much fewer operational   difficult. Fig. 5 shows the workflow used for building the analytical
            mistakes, especially when multiple operators share the system.   conditions for simultaneous analysis of the cephem antibiotics.
            Furthermore, since Method Scouting Solution integrates seamlessly
                                                                    NH2            NH2
                                                                       H HH          H HH      N     H HH
            with Shimadzu's LabSolutions analysis software, a series of analysis   N      S  N  S  S  N  S
                                                                     O   N          O  N            O  N   O  CH3
            schedules for method scouting, from analysis preparation at   O  CH3     O     CH3       O      O
                                                                         O  OH         O  OH           O  OH
            instrument startup to analysis completion, can be created

                                                                    cephradine     cephalexin      cephapirin
            automatically. This achieves a significant reduction in the time and
                                                                                        NH2           NH2
                                                                      H HH                 H H  H       H H  H
            effort spent on setting method scouting conditions and creating   N  N  S      N  S         N   S
                                                                 N  N  O  N  S  S  CH3                 O
            the batch table. For details regarding Method Scouting Solution,   N  O  HO  O  O  N  CH3   O  N  Cl
                                                                         O  OH
            also refer to the Technical Report "Ultra Fast Method Scouting."                 O  OH         O  OH
                                                                       cefazolin       cefadroxil      cefaclor
                                                                    N  CH3           H  H  H         O  CH3
                                                                      H  H  H        N  S        S  N  H  H  H
                                                                      N   S                          N   S
                                                                                 S             H2N
                                                                  O                 O  N   O  CH3  N
                                                                     O   N   O  NH3  O               O  N   O  CH3
                                                                       O                    O         O
                                                                              O        O  OH                 O
                                                                         O  OH                          O  OH
                                                                     cefuroxime    cephalothin     cefotaxime
                                                                                                  H  OH
                                                                     O  O                            S
                                                                            H HH                  N
                                                                   O        N  S
                                                                      N  N          CH3      S   O  N    O  NH2
                                                                  H3C  N   O  N    S  N           O
                                                                            O         N                   O
                                                                                    NN              O  O   H
                                                                              O  OH
                                                                        cefoperazone              cefoxitin
                                                                     O                           H3C
                                                                    O  S  O         O             H N  O  H  S
                                                                        H H  H                               CH3
                                                                        N   S          HO    S
                                                                                          NH2   O    N    S  N
                                                                       O   N    N                 O           N
                                                                                                            N  N
                                                                                                     O  O
                                                                           O  OH
                                                                          cefsulodin           cefmetazole
                                                                            Fig. 4  Cephem Antibiotic Substances
                                                                        Step 1ɹScouting for mobile phase and column
                                                                        <Evaluation 1> Chromatogram pattern confirmation
                                                                                                (number of detected peaks, resolution)
                                                                         Step 2ɹOptimization of gradient conditions
                                                                        <Evaluation 2> Chromatogram pattern confirmation
                                                                                                (number of detected peaks, resolution)
                                                                          Establish simultaneous analysis conditions
                         Fig. 3  Method Scouting Solution                    Fig. 5  Method Scouting Workflow
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