Page 33 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 33

Prominence UFPLC

          A true complete purification system: from mixtures to high-purity compounds
          •  The brand new Prominence UFPLC is the ready-to-use system package for online coupling of preparation and purification. All
             preparative processes can be performed online, from fractionation to concentration, purification, and recovery.

          •  The flexibility of modular configuration allows online purification of up to 5 components detected in the fractionation step,
             facilitating the evaluation of sub-components and impurities.

          Collect high purity products effortlessly

          •  Easily eliminate counter ions and low volatility solvents in the prepared distillate to recover high purity and stable powdered

          •  This exclusive technology ensures that the water carried in the distillate is sufficiently removed in a short period of time, greatly
             reducing the time required for solvent removal, purification and powdering.

                                                             Isolates fraction containing target peaks
                                                             and concentrates it in a trap column

                                                                          Removes impurities and pair ions

                     compounds             Fractionation/
                      Pair ion             concentration
                      (ex TFA)
                        Sample containing
                        target components                   Purification
                                                                                       Elutes components
                                                                                       using organic solvent

                                                  One System Handles It All
                                                  Prominence UFPLC
                                                                                       Recovery of target
                                                                                       in high-purity liquid
                                                          30 min  20 min  10 - 40 min
                                                                               Takes only
                                                  Synthesis  Fractionation  and  Powderization  one and half
                                                                 Purify        hours
                                                                phase-derived   Short because
                                                                         no water is
                                                                 components  contained
                      Untreated Sample               Treated Freebase Form

                                                                           Easily removes previously
                                                      TFA / Hydrochloride
                                                      (0.13% / 0.08%)
                  Cl −                                                    difficult-to-eliminate counter
                          Hydrochloride  TFA                              ions and low-volatility solvents
                            (56%)  (44%)

                                                  Cl −  TFA −
                       TFA −
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