Page 39 - LC-SFC_Pharma_Brochure
P. 39

Solution 4: Impurity Detection and Purity Confirmation

          Compositional analysis of drugs is an integral part of drug development and production. The purity of the active ingredient
          is crucial and varies at different production stages. Other than the active ingredient, impurity analysis is critical to determine
          the quality of drugs.
          If the chromatographic conditions are not sufficiently optimized, or if the column efficiency is reduced, the impurity peaks
          may be buried by the major component, resulting in the misinterpretation and inaccurate quantification of the target

          In addition to the commonly used LC/LCMS, Shimadzu also provides advanced algorithms to fully exploit the performance
          of the hardware to help you identify potentially hidden impurities.


                                             mAU    Typical Chromatogram        Chromatogram Following Elimination of a Tailing Peak via i-PDeA
                                                                                        0.488 mg/L quantitative results with
                                                                                        respect to an additive quantity equivalent
                                           5.0                                          to 0.5 mg/L (98 % accuracy)
          1) Separation of Eluted                     Methylparaben
          Peaks on Tailing Peaks                                          i -PDeA          Methylparaben
                                            0.00  0.25  0.50  0.75  1.00  1.25  min  0.00  0.25  0.50  0.75  1.00  1.25  min
                                                                                 Chromatogram After Elimination of the
                                                    Typical Chromatogram and Purity Curve  Main Component via i-PDeA
                                                            Peak purity curve
          2) Detection of Unresolved
          Impurities                                                       i -PDeA
                                      Peak for methylnaphthalene
                                      including an impurity

          New data processing technique for PDA detector

          •  The Intelligent Peak Deconvolution Analysis (i-PDeA) function
             of the Shimadzu PDA Detector can extract unseparated target
             peaks using spectral differences.                     Measurement data                  Spectra
                                                                   d(t, λ)                             s2
          •  The iPDeA function can deconvolute co-eluting components                                 s3
             to  generate  individual  peak  profiles  by  using  the  derivative                  s1
             spectrum  chromatogram  method  and  the  chemometrics                   c1 c2 c3
             multivariate curve resolution alternating least squares (MCR-  Wavelength  Retention time
             ALS) technique.                                                         Retention time  Wavelength
                                                                                            Deconvolute to individual component
          Obtain accurate compositional and purity information    c1(t)s1(λ)      c2(t)s2(λ)      c3(t)s3(λ)

          •  The  i-PDeA  functionreduces  the  need  for  complete
             chromatographic  separation  of  impurities.  Even  without
             mass spectrometry, it is easy to detect unexpected impurities.  Wavelength  Wavelength  Wavelength
             Isomers that are difficult to separate can be identified easily.  Retention time  Retention time  Retention time
                                                                               Basic Principle of i-PDeA
          •  The effect of co-eluting components on quantitation can be
             effectively  eliminated.  If  the  peaks  fail  to  achieve  baseline
             separation,  the  target  component  can  still  be  quantified
             separately, greatly improving the accuracy of the quantitative
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