Page 56 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
P. 56

High-Speed Video Camera / Ultrasonic Optical Flaw Detector /
    Microfocus X-ray Inspection Systems

            High-Speed Video Camera                              MAIVIS Ultrasonic Optical Flaw Detector
            Hyper Vision HPV-X2                                  MIV-X                                       New

            The newly developed high-speed CMOS image sensor, FTCMOS2,   Ultrasonic optical flaw detection refers to nondestructive inspection
            combines the same shooting speed of up to 10 million frames per   technology that uses ultrasound and light. The surface of the test object
            second as conventional products with the high sensitivity of ISO 16,000   is excited using ultrasound, and the tiny changes in the surface produced
            (reference value), which is 6 times higher than conventional products. In   by these vibrations are detected using laser irradiation and a camera. If
            addition, it delivers sharper high-speed images even when used in   peeling, cracks, or other flaws are present, ultrasound discontinuities
            conjunction with high-magnification optical systems such as   (propagation disturbances) are detected. Ultrasonic optical flaw detection
            microscopes. It is also equipped with a synchronous shooting function   enables the visualization of internal flaws (at a depth of about 1 mm) that
            using two cameras, allowing simultaneous 2-way shooting and 3D   are hard to find using conventional ultrasonic testing. The MIV-X can
            image analysis using commercially available software.  easily detect flaws in joints and bonding surfaces in research and
             Resolution  100,000 pixels (400 (horizontal) × 250 (vertical)) (FP mode)  development processes involving multi-materials, which are created by
             Recording speed  10 Mfps, 5 Mfps (fixed) (fps = frames per second)  combining different materials to increase strength and reduce weight.
             Continuous recording   256 frames max.                           Approx. 1/100 of inspection area (depends on sample and
             capacity                                            Minimum detection size  inspection condition)
                                                Brochure No. C220-E015  Camera distance  250 to 1000 mm
                                                                 Inspection time  Approx. 25 seconds or less (Observation + Analysis)
                                                                                                     Brochure No. C227-E029
             New    Bench-top X-Ray CT System

            XSeeker 8000

            The XSeeker 8000 bench-top X-ray computed tomography (CT) system
            is equipped with a high-output X-ray generator and a high-resolution
            flat panel detector. Despite its compact size, it has a high X-ray output
            of 160 kV, enabling clear observations of molded plastic parts,
            aluminum die cast parts, and other metal parts. In addition, the newly
            developed XSeeker control software provides high operability and the
            highest throughput to date. With clear image quality and high
            throughput, it supports applications in a wide range of situations, from
            detailed observations in product development and quality evaluation to
            inspections at machining sites.
             Target object   Plastics, light metals and foods, etc.
             Maximum sample size  300 mm dia. × H: 320 mm, max. 10 kg max.
             Field of view   100 mm dia. max.                                                               Product  >
                                                Brochure No. C251-E042
            Compact, High-Output System
            •Smallest, lightest bench-top CT system in its class
     Material Testing and
            •High 160 kV output achieves high penetration ability
    Non-Destructive Inspection
            Image Quality and Functionality on Par with
            High-End Models
            •High-resolution FPD enables visualization of microstructures
            •High-functionality all-in-one viewer for intuitive observation
            Operation Optimized for Inspections
            •Easy 3-step scanning process
            •Recurring inspection is possible at the push of a button  Defect Analysis of Aluminum Die Cast  VR Image of a Cup of Noodles (mini size)

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