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P. 55

Fatigue Testing Machines

          Electromagnetic Force Micro Tester                  High-Speed Impact Testing Machines
          Micro-Servo MMT Series                              HITS-X Series                                            Chromatography Systems

          Achieves test forces in the order of grams and high-speed repeated   With the increasing demand for safety and reliability, evaluation of the   Mass Spectrometry Systems
          loads at the micro level through its use of an electromagnetic servo   dynamic strength (impact properties) of materials and parts is becoming
          actuator. It is optimal for evaluation of the dynamic strength of items   more and more important. This machine can obtain data, such as the
          such as micro materials and miniature parts.        maximum test force, energy, and displacement, up to a maximum   Life Science Lab Systems
                          MMT-11NV-2  -101NV-10   -250NV-10   velocity of 72 km/h (20 m/s).
          Test force capacity  ±10 N  ±100 N   ±250 N         A tensile load type (HITS-TX) and a punching type (HITS-PX) are available.
          Stroke        ±2 mm       ±10 mm                     Impact test force  10 kN
          Maximum frequency  60 Hz  100 Hz                     Speed setting range  1 to 20 m/s
          Power requirements  AC100 V                          Piston stroke  300 mm
                                             Brochure No. C225-E029           Controller 4870 (dedicated controller for high-speed impact
                                                               Software       TRAPEZIUM HITS high-speed impact testing software
                                                              Note 1:  The PC and printer are not included, so they must be ordered separately.  Spectroscopy Systems
                                                              Note 2: A constant temperature tank can be added as an option.
                                                                                                  Brochure No. C225-E037

          Servopulser Control Unit           Servopulser Vibration Testing Machine  30 MN Large Structural
          4830                               EHV Series                         Testing Machine                       Systems  X-ray and Surface   Analysis

          Using the touch-panel operation,   This machine performs vibration tests on                                 Measurement Systems  Environmental
          measurement and control of tests ranging   structures, equipment, transport packages,
          from static tests to dynamic tests can be   etc. Vibration directions include horizontal
          simply carried out. Up to four testing   and vertical. Large capacity and large stroke
          machines can be operated simultaneously.   can be obtained with the electro-hydraulic   This is a 30 MN testing machine, the largest in   Systems  Non-Destructive Inspection     Material Testing and
          Functions such as data acquisition and   servo system.                Japan. It is used for checking the strength
          programmed loads can be expanded using   Vibration method  Electro-hydraulic servo method  properties of either complete actual structures
          USB connection software (option).  Vibration force  Horizontal 50 kN, vertical 40 kN  or portions thereof with respect to self-
          Test waveforms  Sine, triangular, rectangular, etc.  Stroke  ±50 mm   weight, imposed loading, or external loads
          Amplifier  Test force, stroke      Vibration direction  Horizontal, vertical  such as earthquake, wind, and snow, in
          Control mode  Test force, stroke, virtual transducer  Control mode  Peak values of displacement and   particular the deformation and ultimate
          Power requirements Single-phase 100 V, 300 VA
          Note: A wide range of software is available.                          strength, in order to verify the safety of the
             Contact Shimadzu for details.                                      structure.                            Measurement Systems  Physical Properties
                           Brochure No. C225-E021                               Note:  The capacity and performance, etc., of the testing
                                                                                   machine can be changed in accordance with

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