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Universal Testing Machines

            Operation Software for Material Testing  Software for Autograph        Compact Thermostatic Chamber for Autograph
            TRAPEZIUM X-V                      LabSolutions AG                     TCE-N300A

            TRAPEZIUM X-V for Windows 10 provides a   The Autograph precision universal testing   The thermostatic chamber controls the
            number of easy-to-use features, such as a   machines are now compatible with the latest   temperature in the testing space, enabling
            data search function, condition setting   in data integrity. Connecting TRAPEZIUM X-V   tensile, bending, and compression tests under
            through a visual wizard, and a quick condition   to the LabSolutions system, which provides   a variety of temperature conditions. You can
            list where you can select test conditions   ER/ES regulatory compliance, enables   discover new characteristics of materials by
            directly from the start-up screen. You can   confident, reliable data management. In   reproduceing real-world temperature
            easily create a variety of test conditions, from   addition to Autograph data, consolidated   environments. The temperature can be set,
            simple test controls to controls with   management is available for LC, GC, and UV   and the temperature data from the
            complicated patterns.              data.                               thermostatic chamber can be recorded, using
                                               •  Compatible with the AGX-V, AG-X, AGS-X   TRAPEZIUM X-V software.
                                                 and EZ-X                          Temperature   −70 to +300 °C
                                               •  Compatible with single software and control   usage range
                                                 software                          Temperature   25 minutes from room temperature to
                                                                                            300 °C
                                                                                   increase rate
                                                                 Brochure No. C224-E116
                                                                                   Temperature   25 minutes from room temperature to
                                                                                   decrease rate  −70 °C
                                                                                                     Brochure No. C224-E117
            Precision Universal Testing Machines  Hydraulic Universal Testing Machines
            Autograph X-V Retrofit  New        UH-X Series and UH-FX Series

                         Image after the Retrofit          UH-500kNX                       UH-F500kNX
            The Autograph X-V Retrofit is a partial   The operability and visibility of the computer-controlled hydraulic servo type universal testing
            upgrade kit, consisting of a controller and   machine (UH-X) and the high-performance universal testing machine (UH-FX), equipped with
            software, for precision universal testing   front opening type hydraulic grips, have been greatly improved by the adoption of a large color
            machines. Replacing the existing controller   touch panel. Equipped with a semi autotuning function that automatically adjusts the control
            and software with this product significantly   parameters, stress control and strain control (ISO 6892 compliant) can be easily carried out
            improves operation and safety with existing   without the need for a preliminary test. The UH-Xh and UH-FXh models feature a new hybrid
            systems. The replacement provides   hydraulic oil source that reduces the required quantity of hydraulic oil, thereby achieving a major
            comparable measurement capabilities to the   reduction in electrical power (about 50 %).
     Material Testing and
    Non-Destructive Inspection
            Autograph AGX-V series, Shimadzu’s premier               UH-X Series                 UH-FX Series
            systems.                            Load capacity  200, 300, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000 kN   300, 500, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000 kN
             Applicable   AG-D, AG-E, AG-G, AG-I, AG-IS,   (7 types)                   (6 types)
             systems  AG-X, AG-Xplus            Capacity                            6 stages
                              Brochure No. C224-E121  Test control functions  Single, cycle, stress, strain, stroke 3 stage   Front-opening type hydraulic system
                                                           switching, concrete
                                               Note: Hybrid type and a type without an analog indicator are also available.
                                                                                                     Brochure No. C221-E010

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