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Universal Testing Machines

          AUTOGRAPH Table-Top Precision Universal Tester  Table-Top Universal Testers  Non-Contact Digital Video Extensometer
          AGS-X Series                       EZ Test                            TRViewX                                Chromatography Systems

                                                                EZ-SX                                                  Mass Spectrometry Systems
                                                    EZ-LX/EZ-LX HS
          Combining all necessary functions in a   This easy-to-use, compact, stylish frame   The TRViewX non-contact digital video
          compact design, this high-performance,   incorporates enhanced functions, enabling   extensometer can accurately measure
          cost-efficient testing machine has been   tests to be carried out with good efficiency.  extension and width of films, which is difficult
          developed for low-capacity strength             EZ-SX  EZ-LX  EZ-LX HS  with contact extensometers, over a wide
          evaluations. Increase testing efficiency using   Load capacity  500 N  5 kN  2 kN  range without affecting the specimen. It is   Life Science Lab Systems
          dedicated data processing software   Test speed  0.001 to 1,000 mm/  0.001 to   capable of measuring extension to an
          (TRAPEZIUM LITE X).                            min          mm/min    accuracy equivalent to JIS B7741 0.5 class.
          Load capacity  1 N to 10 kN (11 types)  Return speed  1,500 mm/min  3,000   Type  Optical non-contact, standard line
          Test speed  0.001 to 1,000 mm/min (Stepless)                mm/min             mark tracking format
          Test force   Within ±0.5 % of display test force (for   ±0.5 % of indicated value (Range from   Gauge length  Any length within camera field of view
          accuracy  1/1 to 1/500 of load cell capacity)  High-  1/500 to 1/1 of the load cell capacity)  Camera field of   55 to 800 mm
                                                   precision  Complies with JIS B7721 class 0.5, ISO
                           Brochure No. C224-E057  type  7500-1 class 0.5, EN 10002-2 grade   view
                                             Test force   0.5, and ASTM E4               The larger of ±1.5 µm or ±1.5 % of
                                             measurement                        Measurement   indicated value (for camera field of
                                             accuracy    ±1 % of indicated value (Range from   accuracy  view 240 mm or less and constant   Spectroscopy Systems
                                                   Standard  1/500 to 1/1 of the load cell capacity)  temperature measurement)
                                                   precision  Complies with JIS B7721 class 1, ISO
                                                   type  7500-1 class 1, EN 10002-2 grade 1,      Brochure No. C224-E052
                                                         and ASTM E4
                                                               Brochure No. C224-E055
          Fully Automatic                    Fully Automatic                    Automatic Extensometer
          Rubber Tensile Testing System      Plastic Testing System             SIE-560A/560SA                        Systems  X-ray and Surface   Analysis

          This system provides full automation, from   This is a fully automatic tensile and bending   Provides high-precision measurement of the   Measurement Systems  Environmental
          measurement of specimen dimensions, supply   tester for plastics. It is capable of continuous   extension of metals, plastics, etc. from the
          to the testing machine, and fixing of chucks   operation from measurement of specimen   elastic range (very small displacement) to
          to measurement of extension between   dimensions, supply, and data processing.  failure (large displacement). All operations,
          standard lines and data processing. The   Load capacity  Max. 10 kN (tensile)/5 kN (bending)  such as automatic fitting and removal of the   Systems  Non-Destructive Inspection     Material Testing and
          system can be used for continuous nighttime   Test speed  0.0005 to 1,000 mm/min  extension arm onto the specimen, automatic
          testing, which helps save labor costs.  Specimen storage  Palette type (120 pcs) or magazine   setting of the distance between standard
                                             method   type (150 pcs)
          Load capacity  Max. 1 kN                                              lines, etc., can be executed by the software.
          Test speed  0.001 to 1,000 mm/min                                     Measurement
          Specimen storage   Palette type (120 pcs)                             range    Max. (560 - gauge length) (mm)
          method                                                                Measurement   560SA ± 1 µm, 0.5 % (JIS B7741 0.5 class)
          Applicable   JIS K6251                                                precision  560A ± 2.5 µm, 0.5 % (JIS B7741 1 class)
          standard                                                                       560SA 50 mm
                                                                                Gauge length  (variable with option)
                                                                                         560A 10 to 550 mm            Measurement Systems  Physical Properties
                                                                                                  Brochure No. C224-E111

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