Page 47 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
P. 47

Stationary Gas Analyzers

          Flue Gas Multi-Component Gas Concentration Analyzer  Continuous Gas Analyzer in Flue Gas
          NSA-3080                                            NSA-308                                                  Chromatography Systems

          The NSA-3080 employs a micro-computerized, multi-component,   This analyzer measures four or five components in exhaust gases from   Mass Spectrometry Systems
          Ratio-NDIR gas analyzer for the measurement of NO X, SO 2, and CO or   combustion equipment. Two types are available, for measurement of
          CO 2. An O 2 detector is also incorporated to allow measurement of a   four components: NO X, SO 2, CO, and O 2, and for measurement of these
          total of the five components simultaneously.        four components plus CO 2 for a total of five components. The analyzer   Life Science Lab Systems
                    Measurement of NO X, SO 2, CO, CO 2, and O 2 concentrations in   adopts a high-performance, high-functionality ratio infrared analyzer
                    exhaust gases from various boilers, industrial plants (petroleum
          Application                                         and a magnetic wind oximeter, to achieve simple and highly reliable
                    refinery, steel, cement, etc.), incinerators, and thermal treatment
                    furnaces.                                 sampling.
                                                               Measurement   Non-dispersive infrared ray absorption method (ratio photometry)
                                                               method    O 2: Magnetic wind method
                                                               Measurement   It differs depending on the components measured, so inquire for
                                                               range     details.                                      Spectroscopy Systems

          Flue Gas Nitrogen Oxide and Oxygen Analyzer  Flue Gas Nitrogen Oxide and Oxygen Analyzer  Flue Gas CO and O 2 Analyzer for Preventing
          NOA-3030                           NOA-308Dx                          Dioxin Emissions from Waste Incinerators
                                                                                COA-3030                              Systems  X-ray and Surface   Analysis

          This high performance chemiluminescence   Chemiluminescence provides high sensitivity   This analyzer is specialized for monitoring   Measurement Systems  Environmental
          system features a space-saving design and   and superior zero point stability. Includes   waste incinerator compliance with waste
          easy maintenance. Ideal for monitoring   various functionality, such as automatic   processing laws and regulations and
          cogeneration system exhaust gases.   calibration, remote calibration, calculation   guidelines for preventing dioxin emissions. A
          Chemiluminescence enables highly accurate   processes, and alarms.    ratio type infrared gas analyzer is used to   Systems  Non-Destructive Inspection     Material Testing and
          NO X measurements with minimal interference.   NO X:   Atmospheric pressure   measure CO and a magnetic wind type
                                             Measurement method  chemiluminescence method
                     NO X:   Atmospheric pressure                               analyzer for O 2.
          Measurement method  chemiluminescence method   O 2: Magnetic wind method          CO:  Non-dispersive infrared ray

                     O 2: Magnetic wind method           NO X:  Ranges from 0-to-10 to 0-to-  absorption method (ratio
                                                            2,500 ppm
                     NO X:  Ranges from 0-to-50 to 0-to-  Measurement range  O 2: 0 to 10/25 vol%  Measurement method  photometry)

                        2,500 ppm                                                           O 2: Magnetic wind method
          Measurement range
                     O 2:  0 to 25 vol%                                                     CO: 0 to 200/1,000 ppm

                        (Optional: 0 to 10 vol%)                                Measurement range  O 2: 25 vol%       Measurement Systems  Physical Properties

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