Page 48 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
P. 48

Universal Testing Machines
             New    AUTOGRAPH Precision Universal Testers

            AGX-V2 Series

            Industry’s highest level of new precision
            universal testing machine
            A motor-driven precision universal testing machine with high
            performance, operability and safety. By the guaranteed precision range
            to 1/2000 of full scale, a wide range of test forces can be measured
            with a single load cell. The autotuning function was further enhanced
            and strain control performance was improved.
               Newly equipped with the world’s first* voice operation device
            “XV-Talk” as standard, it supports safe and correct testing in a
            conversational style. In addition to the standard models, we offer five
            models, including a “model with a large LCD touch panel” that
            improves testing efficiency, a “model with a wide testing space” that
            enables testing of large parts, and a “model with a separate control
            unit” that is useful for developing new materials.
            * As of February 2023, according to a Shimadzu survey
             Aggregation of Cutting-Edge Functions
                                                                  Movies >
            The sampling speed has been improved to 10 kHz, which is twice as fast
            as the conventional product, enabling the test force to be collected   Choose between Two Controllers
            10,000 times per second. For tests using the strain control method   Two types of controllers with
            specified in ISO 6892, the control cycle was increased by 10 times to   touch panel LCD screens are
            improve responsiveness.
                                                                 available. Choose from the large
                                                                 LCD “Operation Controller” with
             New Operability with voice “XV-Talk”                graph display and direct operation
                                                                 buttons, or the portable “Smart
            The AGX-V2 responds to the operator’s voice. The     Controller”.
            AGX-V2 operates in response to key phrases spoken by
            the operator. This frees the operator from frequently
            used buttons, such as “Start Test” and “Return”.

                   AGX-10kNVD2            AGX-50kNVD2              AGX-100kNV2                 AGX-600kNV2
             Capacity  Table-top model 10 N to 50 kN, floor model 20 kN to 600 kN
                      AGX-10kNVD2             0.0005 to 3,000 mm/min
                      AGX-20/50kNVD2          0.0005 to 1,500 mm/min
     Material Testing and
             Testing speed  AGX-20/50kNV2, AGX-100kNV2  0.00005 to 1,500 mm/min
    Non-Destructive Inspection
                      AGX-250/300kNV2         0.00005 to 720 mm/min
                      AGX-500/600kNV2         0.00005 to 540 mm/min
                                              Accurate to within ±0.5 % of indicated test force (for forces ranging from 1/1000 to 1/100 of the load cell capacity rating)
                                  10 N to 300 kN
                      High-accuracy type      Accurate to within ±0.3 % of indicated test force (for forces ranging from 1/100 to 1/1 of the load cell capacity rating)
                                  500 kN, 600 kN  Accurate to within ±0.5 % of indicated test force (for forces ranging from 1/500 to 1/1 of the load cell capacity rating)
             Test force                       Accurate to within ±1 % of indicated test force (for forces ranging from 1/2000 to 1/1000 of the load cell capacity rating)
             measurement   Wide ranging type  50 N to 300 kN  Accurate to within ±0.5 % of indicated test force (for forces ranging from 1/1000 to 1/100 of the load cell capacity rating)
             accuracy                         Accurate to within ±0.3 % of indicated test force (for forces ranging from 1/100 to 1/1 of the load cell capacity rating)
                      Standard-accuracy   10 N to 300 kN  Accurate to within ±1 % of indicated test force (for forces ranging from 1/1000 to 1/1 of the load cell capacity rating)
                      (Select one.)  500 kN to 600 kN  Accurate to within ±1 % of indicated test force (for forces ranging from 1/500 to 1/1 of the load cell capacity rating)
                                                                                                     Brochure No. C224-E122
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