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P. 45

TOC Analyzers

          Autosampler for TOC-L Series       8-Port Sampler for TOC-L Series    TN (Total Nitrogen) Unit for TOC-L Series
          ASI-L                              OCT-L                              TNM-L                                  Chromatography Systems

                 ASI-L                              OCT-L                                                              Mass Spectrometry Systems
          Combination with the TOC-L series results in a   Combination with the TOC-L series results in   Combination with the TOC-L series results in a
          fully automatic measurement system. Vials   an automatic measurement system at an   simultaneous TOC and TN measurement
          with three different capacities, 9 mL, 24 mL,   affordable price. Settings are extremely   system. This system can also be used to meet
          and 40 mL, can be used.            simple, since special vials are not required. In   regulations on effluent nitrogen and total
          •  Vials with a septum can be used (24 mL and   addition, the effects of contamination can be   volume. The space-saving design enables   Life Science Lab Systems
           40 mL vials).                     reduced if measurements are performed as is   installation above the TOC-L, meaning that
          •  Can be equipped with a magnetic stirrer   using large-capacity collection bottles.  installation space is not a problem when
           (optional).                       •  Can be combined with commercially-  expanding.
                       9 mL × 93 vials        available stirrers and water baths.  Measurement method Chemiluminescence method
          Types and number of vials 24 mL × 93 vials  Units connected  Up to 2 units can be connected.  Measurement item  TN (total nitrogen)
                       40 mL × 68 vials
                                                         8 vials per unit       Measurement range  0 to 10,000 mg/L
                                             Number of vials  Maximum of 16 vials
                                                         (with 2 units)                                                Spectroscopy Systems

          Solid Sample Combustion Unit for TOC-L Series  Wet Oxidation TOC Analyzers  Software for TOC-L
          SSM-5000A                          TOC-VWP                            LabSolutions TOC                      Systems  X-ray and Surface   Analysis

                              SSM-5000A                                                                               Measurement Systems  Environmental

          When combined with the TOC-L series, TC,   Wet oxidation TOC Analyzers aim for high   While keeping the operation feeling that has
          IC, and TOC measurements can be performed   sensitivity with great oxidation performance   been popular in the previous product TOC-
          in soil, sludge, sedimentation, and other solid   by combining UV light, heat, and persulfate   Control L, security functions have been
          samples. In addition, with GMP cleaning   methods.                    enhanced with full support for LabSolutions
          validation, the system can also be used to   Detection limit  0.5 µg/L  CS. LabSolutions TOC uses LabSolutions CS, a   Systems  Non-Destructive Inspection     Material Testing and
          evaluate residues using the swab sampling/  Measured items  TC, IC, TOC, NPOC  world-proven data management software, to
          direct combustion carbon analysis method.  Measurement range  TC 0 – 3,500 mg/L,   centrally manage measurement results and
                                                         IC 0 – 3,500 mg/L
          • Can also be connected to the TOC-V series                           audit trails with a common database and user
          Combustion temperature 900°C                                          ID across a variety of devices, including LCs
                       TC: 0.1 to 30 mgC                                        and GCs. Lab administrators don't have to
          Measurement range
                       IC: 0.1 to 20 mgC                                        manage devices individually. LabSolutions
          Sample volume  1 g max.
                                                                                TOC is equipped with a "Report Set function"
                                                                                that creates a report that links measurement   Measurement Systems  Physical Properties
                                                                                data with related audit trails. By simply and
                                                                                securely reviewing measurement data, it also
                                                                                improves work efficiency.

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