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P. 40

X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometers

            Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer

            The EDX-7200 is a flagship model of the EDX series in pursuit of high
            sensitivity, high speed and high precision. This model supports new
            regulations and directives for consumer and environmental compliance,
            such as RoHS/ELV, REACH, and TSCA with full exclusive screening
            analysis kits. The EDX-7200 is equipped with a high-resolution SDD
            detector to achieve a higher count rate and detection efficiency.

             High Speed                                           High Sensitivity
             — Throughput Increased by Up to a Factor of 30 —     — Improves Lower Detection Limit by Up to 6 Times —
            Equipped with a high-speed circuit that increase the count rate by up to   In metals analysis, the lower detection limit of trace elements in main
            30 times compared to the former model (EDX-720). Improved   components has been improved.
            algorithms and improved performance also help to reduce   Guide of the Lower Detection Limit (300 sec) for Lead in Metals  [ppm]
            measurement times.
                                                                                 EDX-7200    EDX-7000    EDX-720
               [Counts]                [Counts]
                                      4000                         Copper alloy    9.9         17.1       35.5
                    Lead (Pb)             Chromium (Cr)
                                                                   Solder          3.9         8.4        24.8
                                                                   Aluminum alloy  0.7         1.1         3.3
                                               Count rate
                           Count rate  2000    30 times                        Note: The detection limit is an example and not a guaranteed value.
                  EDX-7200  30 times
                                          EDX-7200               Elements to be
                  EDX-7000            1000            EDX-7000   determined   11Na to  92U
                            EDX-720                              Sample chamber   300 (W) × 275 (D) × approx. 100 (H) mm max.
                 0                      0                        dimensions   (Assuming no rounded corners)
                 11.4  12.4  13.4  [keV]  4.5  5.0  5.5  6.0  [keV]  Primary filters  5 types (6 including the open position); automatic replacement
                Comparison of Lead Profiles  Comparison of Chromium Profiles  Simple analysis software (PCEDX-Navi)
                    in Copper Alloys        in Copper Alloys     Software     General analysis software (PCEDX-Pro)
                                                                                                     Brochure No. C142-E047
            Integrated EDX–FTIR Analysis Software

            The integrated EDX–FTIR analysis software, EDXIR-Analysis is especially for
            qualitative analysis, utilizing data acquired with energy dispersive X-ray
     X-ray and Surface   Analysis
            fluorescence spectrometers (EDX) and Fourier transform infrared
            spectrophotometers (FTIR). This software provides identification results and
            degrees of matching by performing an integrated analysis of data acquired
            with FTIR, which is ideal for the identification and qualitative analysis of organic
            compounds, and data acquired with EDX, which is ideal for the analysis of the
            elements contained in metals and inorganic compounds. It can also perform   EDX profile  FTIR spectrum
            either EDX or FTIR analysis separately. Shimadzu's proprietary library (containing
            485 data as standard), created through cooperation with waterworks agencies   Loading the acquired data
            and food product manufacturers, is used for the data analysis. Additional data
            as well as image files and document files in PDF format can be registered in the
            library. It is also effective for linked storage with a variety of data as digital files.
             Integrated Analysis for Contaminant Analysis and Data              Integrated         Data
             Comparisons for Confirmation Tests                                data analysis     comparison
            The examples here show an integrated analysis of black rubber contaminant
            data acquired and a data comparison for a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) examination
            object and the standard product. From the integrated data analysis results, it is
            evident that the black rubber contaminant is acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber
            (NBR), which contains calcium carbonate and zinc stearate. In addition, from
            the data comparison, the degree of matching between the PVC examination
            object and the standard product is 0.8506. Lead (Pb) and acrylic were detected
            from the EDX and FTIR data, which were not detected in the standard product.   Integrated Data Analysis Results   Data Comparison Results
            Accordingly, it is surmised that the examination object contains components   for a Black Rubber Contaminant  for a PVC Examination Object
            different to those in the standard product.                                         and the Standard Product
                                                   Brochure No. C103-E112
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