Page 39 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
P. 39

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer /
                                                                                                Emission Spectrometers

          Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer        Multitype ICP Emission Spectrometer
          ICPMS-2030                                          ICPE-9800 Series                                         Chromatography Systems

          With its newly developed collision cell and optimized internal structure, the   The ICPE-9800 series is a Multitype ICP Emission Spectrometer that can   Mass Spectrometry Systems
          ICPMS-2030 provides superior sensitivity. At the same time, thanks to the   be used in various fields such as environmental testing, pharmaceuticals,
          adoption of its proprietary mini-torch unit and provision of an Eco mode, the   foods, chemicals, and metals. Acquisition for All Wavelengths,
          quantity of argon gas needed for analyses has been greatly reduced to the   Automatic Wavelength Selection and a Diagnosis Assistant ensure the   Life Science Lab Systems
          industry's lowest levels. As a result, low running costs are assured. The Assistant   reliability of measurements with the most appropriate method at all
          function of the software automatically sets the optimal analysis conditions for   times. The vertical torch orientation and both axial and radial views
          quantitative analysis and checks the validity of the necessary data. While   allow simultaneous analysis of trace to high-concentration samples
          reducing the burden on the user, the efficiency of analyses is enhanced and the   without concern for contamination (ICPE-9820). The Mini Torch, Eco
          reliability of the data can be increased. It complies with FDA 21 CFR Part 11.  Mode and Vacuum spectrometer significantly reduce running costs.
                     Sample spray chamber Cyclone chamber (electronically cooled)  Axial view (ICPE-9810) or axial and radial view (ICPE-
          Plasma ion source                                    Light source
                     Nebulizer   Coaxial                                        9820), mini-torch
          High-frequency power supply unit  27 MHz, max. 1.4 kW  Spectrometer / detector  Echelle semiconductor detector (CCD)  Spectroscopy Systems
                     Mass spectrometer  Quadrupole mass spectrometer  Measurement wavelength range  167 to 800 nm
          Mass spectrometer   Mass number range  5 to 260      High-frequency power supply  27 MHz, 1.6 kW max.
                     Collision cell  Octopole collision cell                                      Brochure No. C113-E019
                                             Brochure No. C113-E018
          Optical Emission Spectrometer                        Optical Emission Spectrometer
          PDA-8000                                             PDA-7000 Series                                        Systems  X-ray and Surface   Analysis

                                                                                             PDA-7000                 Measurement Systems  Environmental
          This instrument is capable of high sensitivity quantitative analysis of iron   Emission spectrometry enables rapid and accurate simultaneous
          and steel, copper, aluminum alloys and other solid metals, as well as   determination of many elements in metals. This technique has been
          impurities and other elements, thanks to a high resolution   adopted as a standard method for metals analysis. The Shimadzu PDA
          monochromator and discharge energy stabilized excitation unit.   series is a high-performance optical emission spectrometer, utilizing the   Systems  Non-Destructive Inspection     Material Testing and
          Excellent operability is achieved with software that enhances instrument   PDA (Pulse Distribution Analysis) method as standard, which enhances
          monitoring and maintenance support functionality. In addition, this is   the accuracy and reliability of analyses. The PDA method, combined
          an energy saving model that significantly reduces energy consumption.  with excellent hardware quality, makes the PDA series suitable for any
          Diffraction grating of                              application in metals analysis. It enhances analysis productivity in quality
          monochromator unit  Concave radius of curvature: 1000 mm  control and process control in the ferrous and non-ferrous metals
          Wavelength range  120 to 550 nm, 120 to 700 nm      industries.
                           Time-resolution photometry
          Readout unit
                           (PDA processing, total integral processing)  Diffraction grating of   Concave radius of curvature: 600 mm
          Number of light receptors  64 channels max.          monochromator unit                                     Measurement Systems  Physical Properties
                                             Brochure No. C112-E013  Wavelength range  121 to 589 nm
                                                               Readout unit     Time-resolution PDA photometry
                                                               Number of light receptors  64 channels max.
                                                                                                  Brochure No. C112-E011
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