Page 38 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
P. 38

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
             New    Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

            AA-7800 Series

            Infinite Possibilities.

            The AA-7800 Series is versatile enough for a variety of analytical
            applications (Any Application), safe and easy to use even for beginners
            (Any User), and offers continuous analysis using autosamplers and
            remote data analysis via network connections to increase the flexibility
            of an operator’s work style (Any Location).
             Wavelength range  185 to 900 nm
             Bandwidth       6-step automatic switching
                             Flame: Optical double-beam  Furnace: High-throughput
                             single beam
             Background correction method  D 2 or SR method selectable
                                                Brochure No. C122-E064
                                                                                                            Movies >
             Any Application                                      Any User
            Systems can be modified based on how it is used.     Safety technology for flame AA systems
            The AA-7800 can be upgraded from a flame-only system to a dual   With its high level of safety, even AA beginners can use the instrument
            atomizer system even after delivery, allowing the system to evolve in   without worry. Safety functions include automatic flame extinguishing
            response to changes in customers’ usage. Dual atomizer systems are   by vibration sensor and excessive gas pressure detection of acetylene.
            available in two types: manual atomizer switching with excellent
            versatility and automatic atomizer switching with excellent operation     Automatic flame extinguishing function by vibration detection
            and faster analysis.                                   sensor

    Spectroscopy Systems

                 Flame Analysis System     Dual Atomizer System
                                        (Selectable manual or automatic)  Simple and easy-to-use furnace system
            Automatically switches between eight                 Furnace measurements require replacing
            hollow cathode lamps                                 the graphite tube. Thanks to the simple
            The lamp housing includes functionality for          furnace structure, even first-time users can
            automatically switching between eight hollow         replace the tube easily using a specialized
            cathode lamps installed in a turret and              positioning jig. It is also easy to differentiate
            simultaneously illuminating any two of the lamps.    between using different graphite tubes for
            Flame analysis offers superior general applicability  given measurement applications.
            —Changing the burner angle—
            Elements present in high concentrations can be measured in the flame    GFA-TV Graphite Furnace Camera (Optional)
            analysis mode by adjusting the burner angle to decrease absorbance.   The camera can be used to confirm the sample injection position or
            That enables measurement of up to about 20 times higher element   sample drying status, which is helpful when evaluating or optimizing
            concentrations, which helps minimize dilution errors and the effects of   the temperature program. The sharp image clearly shows the status
            measurement element contamination from containers or reagents.  inside the graphite tube.
                                          0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
                 With burner angle changed  Burner angle (horizontal axis) and   GFA-TV  Checking the sample   Checking the drying status
                                       relative sensitivity (vertical axis)          injection position
             Any Location
            World’s smallest* dual system                        LabSolutions CS supports laboratory network connectivity
            The dual atomizer system is a compact size with a width of 940 mm. In   By adding a WizAArd Agent connection kit (optional), you can connect
            addition, a single autosampler can be used for both flame and furnace   to the LabSolutions CS network. LabSolutions CS manages all analytical
            measurements.           * As of May 2022, according to a Shimadzu survey  data in a database on a network server, so that the data can be loaded
                                                                 and analyzed on any computer connected to the network.
                                                                 Note:  An additional software license is required for analyzing data on a computer not connected
                                                                    to the AA system.

                 During Flame Measurements  During Furnace Measurements
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