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Powders and Particle Size Analyzers

            Aggregation Analysis System for Biopharmaceuticals   Nano Particle Size Analyzer
            Aggregates Sizer                                     SALD-7500nano

            Protein aggregates of 100 nm to 10 μm in size which are contained in   Delivering 10 times the sensitivity of previous models, this innovative
            biopharmaceuticals and are concerned about severe side effects such as   analyzer is capable of continuously measuring changes in particle size
            shock symptoms can be quantitatively evaluated as the number   and particle size distribution at one-second intervals, within a range
            concentration (number/mL). Furthermore, by applying mechanical stress   spanning 7 nm to 800 µm. In addition, unique options that
            at a constant temperature (20 to 42 °C), the aggregation process can   accommodate the measurement of even high-concentration samples
            be shortened and the throughput of protein screening can be greatly   (up to 20 wt%) and trace quantity samples (down to 15 µL) are
            enhanced. It can be used for efficiency improvement and quality control   available. Due to its leading-edge measurement capabilities, the
            of development of antibody drugs, vaccines, clinical testing agents, etc.  analyzer will likely be used for many applications in new areas, including
             Measurement range  40 nm + 20 μm                    nanotechnology, the life sciences, and fine bubbles (microscopic
             Measurement                                         bubbles).
             temperature  20 to 42 °C (constant temperature)
                        Sample amount: 5 mL mechanical stimulus can be applied while   Measurement range  7 nm to 800 µm
             Batch cell                                          Light source  Violet semiconductor laser (405 nm wavelength)
             Micro cell  Sample amount: 125 µL                   Detection elements  84 elements
                                                Brochure No. C060-E010  Options  Batch cell, multifunction sampler, high-concentration
                                                                             measurement system
                                                                                                     Brochure No. C060-E009
            Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analyzer             Software for SALD-2300
            SALD-2300                                            LabSolutions SALD

            The new standard in the SALD series. While maintaining continuity and   LabSolutions SALD is dedicated software of LabSolutions Manager DB/
            compatibility with respect to the data of the SALD-2000/2100/2200,   CS. The SALD-2300 laser diffraction particle size analyzer is now
            which were popular, widely distributed models, this instrument is   compatible with data integrity requirements. Connecting LabSolutions
            equipped with many new functions useful for evaluating changes   SALD to the LabSolutions system, with its proven compatibility with ER/
            (dispersion, aggregation, dissolution) in particle size distribution relative   ES regulations, enables confident, reliable data management. In
            to the concentration or time. It supports a particle concentration range   addition to SALD data, consolidated management is available for LC,
            from 0.1 ppm to 20% and can perform a series of measurements of   GC, and UV data.
            200 data points at 1 second minimum intervals.                                           Brochure No. C060-E017
             Measurement range  17 nm to 2,500 µm
             Light source  Red semiconductor laser
             Detection elements  84 elements
                        Multifunctional variable-volume sampler, batch cell, high-
             Options    concentration sample measurement system, cyclone injection type
                        dry measurement unit
                                                Brochure No. C060-E007
     Physical Properties
   Measurement Systems
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