Page 58 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
P. 58

Microfocus X-ray Inspection Systems
    Thermal Analyzers

            Dimensional X-ray CT System                          Phase-Contrast X-Ray CT System
            XDimensus 300                                        Xctal 5000                                  New

            The XDimensus 300 is a dimensional X-ray CT system capable of   The Xctal 5000 is a new X-ray CT system that creates images of X-ray
            measuring samples in 3D. In addition to the external surface form of   phase shifts. In addition to the X-ray absorption information detected
            objects, it is capable of measuring the internal form (in locations   by conventional X-ray CT systems, this system can detect X-ray
            where probes and lasers cannot reach). It brings added value that   scattering and refraction information. This enables observations of fine
            could not be provided by conventional measurement systems, by   structure, including cracks and the flow of fiber bundles, across a wide
            enabling dimensional measurement and observation and analysis of   field of view, and high-contrast observations of samples with no
            internal structure and defects using CT images.      absorption differences. This is useful for research and development of
             Target object     Resins and light metals           fiber reinforced resins, composite materials, and biomaterials.
             Maximum sample size  300 mm dia. × H: 210 mm, max. 10 kg max.  Target object  Fiber reinforced resins, composite materials, and biomaterials
             Field of view     300 mm dia. max.                  Maximum sample size  150 mm dia. × H: 275 mm, max. 5 kg max.
             Accuracy (sphere distance error)  ±(3.8 + L/50) μm  X-ray detector  Flat panel detector
                                                Brochure No. C251-E035          100 mm × 100 mm max. (Fluoroscopy),
                                                                                100 mm dia. max. (Fiber Orientation Fluoroscopy),
                                                                 Field of view
                                                                                100 mm dia. × H: 100 mm max. (CT Scan),
                                                                                85 mm dia. × H: 85 mm max. (Fiber Orientation CT Scan)
                                                                                                     Brochure No. C251-E043

            Differential Scanning Calorimeters                   TG–DTA Simultaneous Measuring Instruments
            DSC-60 Plus Series                                   DTG-60/60H/60A/60AH

                                             DSC-60 Plus                                          DTG-60A
            The DSC is an indispensable thermal analyzer for materials   This simultaneous TG–DTA (thermogravimetry/differential thermal
            characterization in R&D and quality control applications in the areas of   analysis) measuring instrument features a differential type top loading
            polymers, pharmaceuticals, foods, etc. It offers high sensitivity and easy   balance with a Roberval mechanism, and a plugin type high-sensitivity
            operation required for the development of high-performance, highly   thermocouple. It can measure samples up to 1 g. It also provides
            functional new materials. Also included in the lineup is the DSC-60A   improved DTA sensitivity at high temperatures. With the auto DTG
            Plus which has a built-in compact autosampler which allows automated   models (60A/60AH) that incorporates a autosampler, it is possible to
     Material Testing and
            measurement, analysis and printing of reports for up to 24 loaded   place about one day's worth of samples. They are also capable of
    Non-Destructive Inspection
            samples in a single operation.                       automatically measuring both empty cells and samples.
             Temperature range  −140 to 600 °C (Liquid nitrogen used below room      Room temperature to 1,100 °C (DTG-60/60A)
                                temperature)                     Temperature range   Room temperature to 1,500 °C (DTG-60H/60AH)
             Calorimetric measurement range  ±150 mW             Measurable range (weight)  ±500 mg
             Baseline noise     0.5 μW max. (rms, when held at 150 °C using blank)  Measurable range (differential thermal)  ±1,000 μV
                                                Brochure No. C160-E006  Number of settable samples  24 per sample tray (DTG-60A/60AH)
                                                                                                     Brochure No. C160-E006
     Physical Properties
   Measurement Systems

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