Page 59 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
P. 59

Thermal Analyzers /
                                                                                    Powders and Particle Size Analyzers

          Thermomechanical Analyzers         Workstation Software for Thermal Analyzers
          TMA-60/60H                         LabSolutions TA                                                           Chromatography Systems

          This analyzer can handle a wide variety of   Features an updated design and extensive immediately understandable functionality.   Mass Spectrometry Systems
          samples and measurement methods and a   Consequently, the entire series of operations, from measurement to data analysis and outputting
          large temperature range to perform thorough   reports, can be performed intuitively. Compatible with LabSolutions networks.
          measurement of the mechanical properties of   Convenient Operability
          materials. A high- precision digital sensor   Large icons for frequently used functions are arranged above graphs. Mouse wheel and dragging   Life Science Lab Systems
          allows displacement measurement with a low   operations can be used to easily scroll vertically/horizontally or enlarge/reduce the graph.
          drift in a wide range.
          Temperature   Ambient to 1,000°C/1,500°C from   Improved Productivity
          range    −140°C with an optional adapter  Corrections and data analysis can be performed automatically using the template function. If
          Measurement   Displacement : ±5 mm
          range    Load : ±5 N               specified before taking measurements using the acquisition program, data analysis and report
                   8 dia. × 20 mm, 5 × 1 × 20 mm (60   preparation can be performed automatically.
          Sample size
                           Brochure No. C160-E006  Improved Data Reliability
                                             Sophisticated security and user management functionality are provided to ensure data reliability   Spectroscopy Systems
                                             and enable compliance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11, PIC/S GMP, and other ER/ES regulations.
                                                                                                  Brochure No. C160-E006

          Dynamic Particle Image Analysis System
          iSpect DIA-10                                                                                               Systems  X-ray and Surface   Analysis

          The iSpect DIA-10 combines the particle measurement and image
          analysis technology that Shimadzu has developed over many years, and
          can perform particle image analysis, particle shape analysis, particle size
          distribution measurement, foreign matter detection, and number
          concentration measurement in as little as 2 minutes with one
          measurement. Offers functions such as particle counting, particle size   Detection of Coarse Particles in LIB Cathode Material  Measurement Systems  Environmental
          measurement, and particle shape measurement in a single system.  This is an example of measuring powder used in LIB cathode material. It
                                                              shows the system is able to detect trace quantities of coarse particles in
          Microcell Method Improves Image Acquisition Efficiency
                                                              the powder material, which can prevent decreased lithium-ion battery
          The microcell method, which increases image acquisition efficiency by   performance and safety.
          passing particles through a narrow imaging area, results in fewer particles
          passing outside the imaging area (outside the area toward the left or   Rough particles
          right) and less blurring than the conventional method. Because most
                                                                          Coarse particles
          particles can be observed, it enables highly reliable particle detection and   Circularity  with different shapes  Systems  Non-Destructive Inspection     Material Testing and
          provides highly reproducible particle count concentration values.
                                                                                    Enables coarse particles with different shapes
                                                                                    to be detected and distinguished using either
                            Cell width 1 mm                                         a graph or particle image display window.
                                                                     Maximum Length (µm)
                                                               Particle size measurement range  5 to 100 µm
                                                               Particle count concentration
                                       Pass through the imaging area.  reproducibility  CV ≤ 5 %
                            Cell depth  → Most particles detected              Equivalent circular area diameter, equivalent circular
                                     0.12 mm                                   perimeter diameter, maximum length,    Measurement Systems  Physical Properties
                                                                               length perpendicular to maximum length,
                                                               Measurement items  vertical Feret diameter, horizontal Feret diameter,
                                                                               particle perimeter, envelope perimeter, circularity,
                                                                               aspect ratio, horizontal rectangular envelope aspect ratio,
           Sharp, in-focus image  Red frame: Imaging area                      particle area, and mean brightness
                                                                                                  Brochure No. C060-E016
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