Page 31 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
P. 31

Imaging Mass Microscope
                                                                                         Molecular Imaging Instruments

          Imaging Mass Microscope
          iMScope QT                                                                                                   Chromatography Systems

          Inheriting the concept of a mass spectrometer equipped with an optical
          microscope from the iMScope series, the iMScope QT is also Shimadzu's
          flagship model for MS imaging with a Q-TOF MS. The iMScope QT
          boasts not only fusion with morphology studies but also excellent
          speed, sensitivity, and spatial resolution, clearing the way to next-
          generation mass spectrometry imaging. It has the spatial resolution of                                       Mass Spectrometry Systems
          5 µm, three times the mass resolution and five times the imaging image
          acquisition speed of conventional models.
          Ionization method  MALDI or LDI
          Laser type    Laser-diode-excited Nd:YAG laser
          Laser repetition frequency  Max. 20 kHz
          Laser diamete  Min. ≤ 5 μm, Max. ≥ 100 μm
                                             Brochure No. C146-E415
                                                                                                    Movies >
            Measurement Results for the Cerebellum with 5 μm Spatial Resolution                                        Life Science Lab Systems
          The cerebellum was measured with a high-resolution of 5 μm. High-resolution MS imaging and morphological observations with the optical
          microscope support cutting-edge research.

                    Optical microscope image  m/z 885.55            m/z 888.57            m/z 888.63                   Spectroscopy Systems

          Portable functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy System for Research  Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy System for Research
          LIGHTNIRS                                           LABNIRS                                                 Systems  X-ray and Surface   Analysis

          Two kinds of head holders that fit the whole head closely are adopted,   Measurement using up to 40 sets, 142 channels (previously 16 sets, 52   Measurement Systems  Environmental
          enabling the optimal measurement regions to be selected to suit the   channels) is achieved, and measurement of the brain over a wider
          conditions for measurement. The measurement methods are equivalent   range, higher-density measurement (2× conventional spatial resolution)
          to LABNIRS, and the data analysis software is compatible with LABNIRS   and faster measurement (5× faster than conventional measurement) are   Systems  Non-Destructive Inspection     Material Testing and
          data. It enables multipurpose measurements related to a variety of   now possible. By measuring the oxygen state of the brain's surface
          cognition issues, motion, somatic sensation, and vision.  using safe IR rays, the active regions of high-order brain functions, such
                       Variations from the initial values of oxygenated hemoglobin   as vision, hearing and motion, and the active state of these regions can
          Measured item  (Oxy-Hb), deoxygenated hemoglobin (Deoxy-Hb), and total   be observed in real time.
                       hemoglobin (Total-Hb)
          Number of measurement   8 pairs (max. 22 channels)               Variation from initial values of oxygenated hemoglobin (Oxy-Hb),
          channels                                             Measurement items  de-oxygenated hemoglobin (Deoxy-Hb), and total hemoglobin
                                             Brochure No. C297-E103        (Total-Hb)
                                                               Number of measured   LABNIRS 4 sets (10 channels) to 40 sets (142 channels)
                                                               channels                                               Measurement Systems  Physical Properties
                                                                                                  Brochure No. C297-E097

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