Page 26 - 2023 Shimadzu Analytical and Measuring Instruments
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Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometers

            Peak Integration Software for LabSolutions Insight   Database for GC-MS and GC-MS/MS
            Peakintelligence for GCMS                   New      Smart Database Series

                                                                                           Smart Pesticides Database
                                                                    Smart Forensic Database

                                                                                            Smart Metabolites Database

                                                                   Smart Environmental Database

                                                                                             Smart Aroma Database

    Mass Spectrometry Systems
            Peakintelligence for GCMS is a peak integration software equipped with   With the Smart Database, compound information, transitions, and
            new AI peak integration algorithms. AI algorithms trained with peak   collision energies are preregistered. Methods configured with the
            integration know-how provide peak integration on par with that of an   optimal measurement times can be created automatically using the
            experienced user, so configuring or adjusting parameters is not   automatic adjustment of retention time (AART) and Smart MRM
            required. Even when processing chromatograms that previous   functions.
            algorithms couldn’t handle, Peakintelligence can reliably detect peaks   Description  No. of compounds registered  Brochure No.
            without adjusting any parameters. The software can significantly reduce   For residual pesticide analysis  MRM: 530
                                                                 Smart Pesticides Database  SIM: 530       C146-E332
            the time required for conventional quantitative processing workflows
                                                                 For forensic toxicological substance analysis
            because users only need to check the identification process results.  Smart Forensic Database  MRM: 486  C146-E353
            Note: LabSolutions DB GCMS and LabSolutions Insight DB GCMS are required for operation.  For metabolite analysis  New  Scan/SIM: 627  C146-E456
                                                                                            MRM: 540
                                                                 Smart Metabolites Database
                                                Brochure No. C146-E460  For environmental analysis
                                                                 Smart Environmental Database  MRM: 527    C146-E284
                                                                 For aroma analysis    New  Scan/SIM: 506
                                                                 Smart Aroma Database       MRM: 487       C146-E452
                                                                 Note:  Smart Forensic Database and Smart Environmental Database are for the GCMS-TQ series.
                                                                    They cannot be used with the GCMS-QP series.
            Database for GC-MS and GC-MS/MS                      GC and GC-MS Application System
            Quick-DB Series                                      Headspace Analysis System

                                                                                            GCMS-QP2020 NX + HS-20 NX Trap

            Quick-DB is a screening database that enables easy quantitation without   The headspace sampler holds samples at a fixed temperature, and
            using standard samples. The database contains not only optimized   introduces the volatile components that diffuse into the gaseous phase
            MRM transitions and other analytical conditions, but also data analysis   into GC or GC-MS. It is used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of
            conditions including retention indices and calibration curve information   odor components of foods, aroma components of chemicals, and toxic
            acquired using the internal standard method. Thanks to the automatic   volatile components in environmental water. The trap model includes
            method creation function (Smart MRM/SIM), it allows analytical   functionality for concentrating components with an electronically-
            methods to be created easily, and quantitative values to be calculated   cooled trap and also enabling the measurement of trace components.
            without using standard samples.                      By using highly heat-resistant septa, even ultra-trace substances
                       Description     No. of compounds registered  Brochure No.  extracted from pharmaceutical packaging or containers can be
             Quick-DB                  MRM: 491                  measured, which has been attracting attention in recent years.
             Residual Pesticides Database   Scan/SIM: 474  C146-E307
             Quick-DB Forensic         MRM: 68                   System configuration example  GCMS-QP2020 NX + GCMSsolution + HS-20 NX series
             Forensic Toxicology Database             C146-E319  Sample vial     20 mL or 10 mL (no adaptor required)
            Note:  Quick-DB Forensic is for the GCMS-TQ series. They cannot be used with the GCMS-QP   Number of samples  90
               series.                                           Sample temperature  300 °C max.
                                                                 •  Systems can also be configured with the GCMS-TQ series, QP series, GC-2030, GC-2010 Plus,
                                                                                                     Brochure No. C180-E094
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